I must admit that Australia has found a new empowerment culturally through the Medical Industry. Many nations look to Australia for the lead in this. We have come up with many great Medical innovations. During the first Global Wave, even China made every effort of sharing info and paying respect to the Medical side of Australia and it's people.
But just not the 'Political' side of Australia

Medicine can be a great 'Economic' direction for this country. New innovation under a new type of adversity.
Many businesses have converted their factories into production of Medical equipment. God knows, the World needs it.
But I also must say, like Sport and Music - it's the Medical 'Women' who are the Alpha here in Australia, not the Males.
(Bojack will dissagree here

His credentials are at stake

- but hey, he doesn't offer much here anyway

If you really want a World Leader Medically and in the Alpha 'Male' way - which the World really wants to see. You must go to New Zealand (Oceania) - where they really do 'culturally' put Medicine before Politics (Alpha Female: Jacinta).
In NZ - if you take a fall in a supermarket. You get the best Medical care, not a lawsuit of $$$ to spend on drugs and alcohol.

It's a quick fix solution that doesn't allow Lawyers to exploit. When it comes to WH&S, etc - they are far better than us and even their witches-hats are double the size of ours on the roads.
Anyway, well done Australia (especially the Alpha Medical Women, in the face of the Alpha Political Men).
...as you can see, the American Freedom to Disease - has somewhat crept into Victoria like a group of North Americans running the Eureka Stockade.
In essence, Australian 'Medical' Male is nothing more than a Dr Who in a 'Political' Police Box called Sahul: trapped in 40,000 years of time warp.
New Zealand & Oceania is the real deal with Medicine.
They will lead the way for the World.
...if it gets really bad here with Corona and drafting for USA agendas. I reckon I'll 'boat' it to the Cook Islands.