Super Nova wrote on Oct 19
th, 2020 at 5:53pm:
So it is OK for you to use information provided by a poster to call them at work because it is Ok for you to use scattered information to track someone down, it is OK because you thought it was for a higher purpose. I remember how upset said person was.
Indeed he was upset. And yes, I contacted him against my better judgement after being urged to do so by AiA and others. The 'purpose' was beneficial to PA but I knew there was an invasion of his privacy. That was a judgement call and the outcome could have been what we have (nothing) and the old PA archives being restored, which would have been fantastic. Do you not agree?
Quote:So it is OK for Monk to track someone down to their workplace using IPs to try and get them sacked. No care for the livelihood of that family.
There is zero evidence that occurred but if it, it is not okay.
Quote:So it is OK for Monk to use IPs to find out where I worked, so I know this to be true, even though I viewed his site as a guest and never posted. i know exactly how he did and what he was up to.
That is all Martian to me. No way can anyone be tracked via an said so yourself. If Monk knows where you worked, he never made it public to my knowledge.
Quote:So it is OK for Monk to chase DT in real life such that he closed down his site and was never seen around these parts again.
That is not true. DT was wanting to get out of his site. He offered to sell it to me. I was not buying at his absurd price.
Quote:So it is OK for you to write down IP address and personal details when they come up to be used later. (and while admin of site FFS)
Back many years ago.......there was no automatic capacity to check users for puppet attack dogs. When Shrink appointed me as a Mod, yes, I manually wrote down IPs to suss out the socks...doing that exposed many arseholes who attacked Members with socks, including you, and..surprise surprise, the always innocent Animal Mother. I recall you then telling me that my IP cross cross chec was vulnerable to mistakes. Remember?
Quote:So it is OK for you to post personal information all over the place and for you to be surprised that someone would put it together to work out who you are.
You have posted personal information all over the place, including specifically where we could meet. If I could be arsed, it would take me a nano-second to nail you. (a) I can't be arsed, and (b) if I was, no way would I publish the results in private or in open.
Quote:So it is OK that you spend years big noting yourself only for that self made image to be destroyed when the truth about you is revealed.
Big noting? Well I have a life and I don't mind sharing some broad details. I guess you have done nothing worth talking about. No surprise there. No negative truth about me has ever been revealed....yes, half truths have but they never include the ultimate outcomes that the doxxer never discovered. That is the clue. Goodness knows, I don't know how many times I have said here that if you check the Roll, you will find my name still there. There was the only hint I ever gave or will ever give.
Quote:I would be pissed off too aussie, to be exposed for the asrehole you are and have been through your entire career. Infamy uncovered.
See above.
Quote:So the lesson here aussie is; if you want to remain anonymous, don't tell us about you and your life that includes personal identifying information.
Want me to test
you on that?
Quote:You made the mistake, you are to blame. Live with us all knowing who you really are and the fact we know what a horrible human being you really are.
Forget the hyperbole crap SN. I did not post your personal details here, and if you want me to, just say so. I will go to the trouble, go way out of my way, spend what is is my pocket change, find out who you are, and post the details. Okay by you?