The democrats tried to steal the last election by rigging the voting machines... but they didn’t realise how big the Trump Train was and lost...
Now that the voting machines have been secured they have now switched to Mail In Voter Fraud...
Quote: WARNING: Democrat Data Firm Says Trump Landslide Likely on Election Day – But will Be Flipped to Biden by Mail-In Votes Emerging a Week After Election
A top Democrat data and analytics firm funded by Michael Bloomberg claimed it is highly likely President Trump will win by a landslide on election night, but will ultimately lose in the following days after mail-in ballots continue to be counted.
Hawkfish CEO Josh Mendelsohn called the Democrat mail-in voting fraud operation deployed to steal the election post election day a “red mirage” in his interview with “Axios on HBO.”
We are sounding an alarm and saying that this is a very real possibility, that the data is going to show on election night an incredible victory for Donald Trump,” he said.
“When every legitimate vote is tallied and we get to that final day, which will be some day after Election Day, it will in fact show that what happened on election night was exactly that, a mirage,” Mendelsohn said. “It looked like Donald Trump was in the lead and he fundamentally was not when every ballot gets counted.”
Axios reported:
By the numbers: Under one of the group’s modeling scenarios, Trump could hold a projected lead of 408-130 electoral votes on election night, if only 15% of the vote by mail (VBM) ballots had been counted.
Once 75% of mail ballots were counted, perhaps four days later, the lead could flip to Biden’s favor.
This particular modeling scenario portrays Biden as ultimately winning a massive victory, 334-204.
The methodology, described in detail below, was based in part on polling from FiveThirtyEight in August.
The ultimate results may well sit somewhere between these low-end and high-end scenarios and will also be impacted by who actually votes, and how voters’ views about their options change over the coming weeks
A Democrat operative who worked covertly in a massive voter fraud operation blew the whistle to New York Post reporter Jon Levine and revealed how Democrats will try to steal the 2020 election with their mail-in vote scheme.
The insider revealed how Democrats rig elections by paying homeless voters, taking advantage of elderly in nursing homes, fraudulently posing as registered voters, printing up phony ballots and actually removing real ballots from envelopes and replacing them with counterfeit ballots.
The Democrat-media complex is keeping Covid in the news cycle so they can push for mail-in ballots instead of voting in person for the 2020 election.
Hillary Clinton said Joe Biden “should not concede under any circumstances.”
It is obvious that the Democrats are going to file lawsuits after the election if Trump wins in an effort to stall for weeks and possibly until Inauguration Day in an effort to prevent President Trump from remaining in office.