KangAnon wrote on Sep 1
st, 2020 at 10:33pm:
It's very likely Trump will win.
The lies, as you've spread, that the riots are Dem approved is starting to work.
Young white teenagers are taking illegal firearms across multiple state borders and murdering their fellow Americans after having the red carpet rolled out for them by the police.
And Trump is supporting it and refusing to condemn it.
He's the only one supporting violence at this point.
The Dems support peaceful protests, not the violence and the riots.
Trump had to lie to get into office one, how can you condone him doing it again?
If Trump wins re-election the American people win. If Biden wins the deep state wins.
The riots actually are approved by the Democrats, what other reason would the mayors refuse help to end the insurrection.
That poor kid didn't bring that rifle, it was loaned to his group to protect local businesses. There is only one border between Kenosha and Illinois, not multiple borders.
Three separate Felons attempted to kill or seriously injure a 17 year old who put out their dumpster fire before they could shove it into a Car Dealership. Each shot was fired in self defense, something illegal in your Country.
Somehow not supporting the antifa riots is supporting violence, what convoluted thinking!
The Democrats support anything that gives them more power over the American people!
Trump didn't lie to get into Office, he is the first President in history to try to fulfill all his campaign promises.
If there was an honest bone in your body you would consider that if you didn't use a double standard you could see the truth. Nothing good will come of a Democratic win in November! All we can hope for is another four year reprieve because too much of the public refuses to see the threat Democrats represent!