greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 9
th, 2020 at 12:29pm:
KangAnon wrote on Sep 9
th, 2020 at 12:05pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 9
th, 2020 at 11:03am:
KangAnon wrote on Sep 9
th, 2020 at 10:43am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 9
th, 2020 at 10:05am:
Neferti wrote on Sep 9
th, 2020 at 9:01am:
Who cares?
A lot of very nervous Americans.
Trump has destroyed America, and killed 180,000 of its citizens on the way.
Most Americans don't want him.
Current projections show the death count would likely top 400k by the end of their Winter.
I wonder if those trying to minimise the virus have had the courage to draw a line in the sand and let us know how many dead Americans from COVID is too much, is no longer acceptable losses.
All we keep hearing is how much worse other things are.
Anyone man enough to partake? How many needless deaths in the US are too much? Is there a line?
Or will you wait until the results of the election and only set a number if Biden wins? That's exactly what will happen.
While Trump's in the White House, no number will be too high.
If 5,000,000 Americans die, Trump supporters will dismiss it as fake news. They quite simply could not care less how many die.
However, if Biden gets into the White House, no number will ever be low enough. He'll be crucified for every single death, even if it's only one or two every few days.
If Biden does actually win, all the leeway, all the "fake news!" claims and excuses used for Trump will go away. All the people who've let Trump get away with bloody murder will start to blame everything on Biden.
The division Trump has created in his supporters and the country overall is bad enough now, but this will be his legacy.
All of a sudden presidential lies will be a problem again.
It's going to tear the country further apart, and almost tragically, hilariously, they'll blame Biden...
I honestly think, and this is being deliberately conservative, it's going to take multiple terms AND the Republicans to get on board, to undo the damage of Trump's first term. Absolutely.
The damage he's done is
almost irreparable.
If he gets his second term, I fear it
will be irreparable.
America took a gamble and, sadly, they lost.
I mean, the writing has been on the wall for the last 20 years, never bet on Trump.
Those who do share a different saying with the world,
"You only do business once with Trump"
And it's understandable. He claims to be a selfmade billionaire businessman, so the assumption is he knows what he's doing.
But like everything Trump, scratch the surface and you'll find out it's only gold plated, not solid gold.
I listened to his rally this morning...
He's telling his faithful he's almost finished the wall and that 300miles has been built already. Scratch the surface on the claim and you'll find that there are nearly 2000miles of wall that needs to be built. So 300 isn't "almost finished".
Scratch deeper and you'll find that of that 300miles built, it's almost all to replace the existing wall that was there before he took office.
As usual, he's selling his brand, people are buying it and not checking the product let alone the fine print.
The best thing that could happen to Trump now is for Biden to win. Sure we will be an impeached single term President, but when his chicken come home to roost, Biden will be in office and he can tweet about how it's all Biden's fault and would never have happened if he was elected for a 2nd term.
The worst thing that could happen for Trump is if he wins and has to fix the mess he's made. He's found a way to blame everyone else during his first term, will it still be the Democrats fault in his second, even when Trump had full control of both levels of Government for the majority of this first term?
Trump has trained his supporters not to scratch the surface and if they do, or it's scratched for them in front of their own eye, it's the bias media or a deep state plot to unseat him, even though at this point, that's surely what he wants.
If it isn't, him spending his campaign funds on legal battles sending his campaign almost broke will be even more stupid than it is now.