Brian Ross wrote on Sep 7
th, 2020 at 2:28pm:
Fear of the "other" drives racism in it's most simplistic form. Fear of the "other" leads, eventually to genocide and the destruction of the "other". We have seen that here, in Australia with the genocide of the Tasmanian Indigenous people. There are no full blood Tasmanian Indigenous people left as a consequence. Many seem to think that was a good idea and want to repeat it with their constant screams that Indigenous Australians are so much better off than they are.
We have also seen it overseas, with the Genocide of the Jews under the Nazis and other Fascist governments during WWII. Thankfully that was stopped and the Nazis destroyed. Their heinous beliefs, overturned.
Fear of the "other" drives racism. It's possible, probable outcomes are so horrendous we must fight against it where ever it occurres. As I have already posted, there are no races. Genetically we are all near identical in our genetic makeups. We can all interbreed and we should.
Cultures don't interbreed and you are against cultural interbreeding, a.k.a. assimilation, anyway.
"We now live in a post-truth society. One of the fascinating aspects of our dystopia is the way in which a very stupid lie — such as ‘white people created racism’ — becomes a truth, and a truth which in the end becomes unassailable. In order for the claims of victimhood to have proper purchase, it is an article of faith for the monstrously woke, along with easily disprovable canards such as ‘colonialism is the cause of Africa’s poverty’ and ‘white people who don’t think they’re racist are even more racist because of their denial’ and so on.
The problem is that these palpable idiocies become ‘fact’. So, for example, if you look up the topic of racism on Wikipedia, it will tell you in the introduction: ‘Racism is a relatively modern concept, arising in the European age of imperialism, the subsequent growth of capitalism, and especially the Atlantic slave trade, of which it was a major driving force.’ That neatly accords with Ms Jolly’s assessment and chucks in a good dig at capitalism as well.
Sadly, I didn’t have the time to look up ‘evil’ on Wikipedia. My guess is that it will say: ‘Evil was invented by the white, male, capitalist Manchester businessman Josiah Wright in late March 1792, just before teatime. Before then it did not exist.’ There are probably similar entries for ‘filth’, ‘ordure’, ‘nastiness’, ‘hatred’ and ‘venality’. All of them invented by the white man and imposed upon a previously happy planet.
This is not so far-fetched as you might think — indeed it is vital to the supporters of the post-truth society to insist that all bad stuff started with white men and that the world existed in a prelapsarian state of decency, civility, fraternity and equality until we came along and wrecked everything. This bizarre notion both underpins the concept of white privilege and implies the absolute necessity of cringing white guilt.
However, if you look up a range of other topics on Wikipedia, you will find very different answers.
This is another important facet of the post-truth society: the ability to hold two contradictory facts in one’s head at the same time and believe them both to be true. So, for example, if you check out ‘racism in Africa’ you will find historic reports of racism dating back centuries, including the persecution of pygmies by the dominant Bantu people in the Congo, the persecution of black sub-Saharan Africans in Mauritania, the bedevilled status of Nubians in both Kenya and Sudan, and much more., in a World Values Survey in 2013, the UK was ranked among the least racist countries in the world, alongside Australia.