Frank wrote on Sep 9
th, 2020 at 9:11pm:
Trump by an even bigger margin than in 2016.
Economy - Trump
Security, law, order - Trump
China, foreign policy - Trump
Looting, blm, dementia, incoherence, Obama's buddy - Biden
Voting fraud - Biden.
Voter-integrity Trump blocks congressional funds to support mail voting during a pandemic, and advises his voters to mail in their votes, then go and vote in person just to be sure.
Foreign policy Trump ignores his own intel that his friend Putin has a bounty on American soldiers' heads.
Security, law and order Trump praises "good and bad on both sides" after a neo-Nazi drives into a crowd.
Tough-on-Chi-na Chi-na Trump publicly parrots Xi's claims the Wuhan virus will disappear in Spring, begs him for a deal on soybeans to "help him out" in marginal states, and talks down a pandemic in an attempt to do a deal on trade the US were already doing before he started a trade war.
Economy Trump has the biggest US deficit since WWII and an unemployment level that matches the Great Depression.
Coherent Trump advises his chief medical officers to look into injecting disinfectant "to do a number on the lungs".
What were you saying about dementia, old boy?
Remind me.