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Australian Politics
Posts: 16142
Central Coast
Drugs are not a good way to enjoy life. Drugs have their place, for medication or to aid in healing.
But they are not for recreation. They destroy lives. They destroy your health They destroy your mental capability
Someone who "Needs" drugs to enjoy themselves have a serious problem.
Alcohol alone accounts for many destroyed lives, murders, deaths on the road and ill health resulting in an early grave. But drugs are more insidious, not as obvious, but seriously more troublesome.
I have lost friends and family to drug abuse. I have seen the families fall apart as they try to help. Its not just the selfish users that suffer, the pain is carried to parents, partners, children and even strangers.
My good friend went through hell when his daughter was addicted. She got to the stage she was injecting into her own eyeball to get a quicker, longer high. It blinded her, she sold her body, she lost her soul, to some foul animal that profited from her and her families pain. Eventually she died, many years ago, but the friend has still not recovered, he blames himself. But at least the pusher is also dead. Someone injected him with air filled needles and left him to die.
Drug pushers should be put down Drug abusers dried out in the most painful way possible to discourage re-addiction. Anyone profiting from drugs should be put down painfully. And any crops shoukd be napalmed and then the land liberally dosed in agent orange.