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ALL drugs should be decriminalised (Read 15019 times)
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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #45 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 7:41am
Oh, and a lot of addictive drugs are prescribed by your friendly GP.  Wink
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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #46 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 7:48am
Neferti wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 7:39am:
Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 11:23pm:
Yup, I did mention the success of the Quit programs, Plain Packaging have hugely reduced smoking rates. Higher and higher excise helped too, no doubt.

We could do this because tobacco is not criminalised, is in fact legal to use.

Kids are still smoking cigarettes and taking drugs.  The Quit program is too late, they need a Don't Start program.  Wink

not one of my grandkids smoke nef...and the only one in the family that does is my son.. and we have tried everything... but at the end of the day you can lead a horse to water... BUT.........

Neferti wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 7:41am:
Oh, and a lot of addictive drugs are prescribed by your friendly GP.  Wink

thats me nef......I wouldnt be able to walk around if it wasnt for the drugs I take......
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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #47 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 7:56am
Nobody in my family smokes either. None of my grandkids, nieces or nephews have ever smoked or taken drugs, nor have their parents. I don't even have panadeine or whatever in my medicine chest.
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Jovial Monk
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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #48 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 8:48am
cods wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 7:48am:
Neferti wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 7:39am:
Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 11:23pm:
Yup, I did mention the success of the Quit programs, Plain Packaging have hugely reduced smoking rates. Higher and higher excise helped too, no doubt.

We could do this because tobacco is not criminalised, is in fact legal to use.

Kids are still smoking cigarettes and taking drugs.  The Quit program is too late, they need a Don't Start program.  Wink

not one of my grandkids smoke nef...and the only one in the family that does is my son.. and we have tried everything... but at the end of the day you can lead a horse to water... BUT.........

Neferti wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 7:41am:
Oh, and a lot of addictive drugs are prescribed by your friendly GP.  Wink

thats me nef......I wouldnt be able to walk around if it wasnt for the drugs I take......

Yes, I mentioned prescriptions of opioids.

Smoking is now confined to under 20% of the population, a huge success story. Kids may take up smoking but the plain packaging has reduced even that.
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Crocodile Hunter: Origins

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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #49 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 1:14pm
I went from one workplace to another in the last 10 years. From 2010, we hardly had anyone working at my workplace who smoked. A couple of years later, a few smokers were there. I swapped over to a new job, similar work. A third of the workers there smoked.

I gave myself the opinion that smoking was on the way out.
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Crocodile Hunter: Origins

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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #50 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 1:19pm
Neferti wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 7:56am:
Nobody in my family smokes either. None of my grandkids, nieces or nephews have ever smoked or taken drugs, nor have their parents. I don't even have panadeine or whatever in my medicine chest.

Dad was the only smoker in my family. Most of his siblings were smokers. I turned 10 years old before Dad decided to quit smoking. He was worried that I was going to take up the habit.

Money was a bit of a struggle because of Dad's smoking and drinking. Dad quit smoking and the money started being saved. Perhaps we saved $20 a week because Dad quit -- $50 in today's terms. Yet, it all added up over time and we did better.

Dad's siblings who smoked did worse than his siblings who did not smoke or who had quit smoking. Less aggravation among the non-smokers, too.
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John Smith
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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #51 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 5:41pm
cods wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:50pm:
John Smith wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:34pm:
cods wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:21pm:
just the DAMAGE they cause...

lots of things cause damage but are still legal cods. Sugar, Alcohol, peanuts for some etc. You'll never stop people from having bad reactions to things.

What makes dugs worse is that often drug dealers use all sorts of crap to make their drugs stretch out .... paint stripper, nail polish remover, bleach are just a few of the things I've heard have been used but essentially they'll use whatever they happen to have laying around. Taking control of the drug industry allows us to control what gets put out. Why would anyone go buy a pill from a drug dealer that he made in his shed with who knows what, when you can go to a chemist and know that what you're getting is safe?

what about speeding on the road... always always over a 1000 every year killed needlessly   should we legalise that as well or how about make car go no faster than 70...think of the savings there..

I dont think we have over a 1000 year in years out in overdoses do we?

More than 2000 Aussies die every year from drug overdoses Cods. But thats a poo comparison .. whilst most people drive, most people do no do drugs.

We control speeding on the roads cods, we don't make driving illegal for everyone because some die in accidents. Decriminalizing drugs allows us to control the drugs and takes the power and the money away from drug dealers.  You used to be able to buy Heroin over the counter (in the USA)  .. it was only once some politician saw it as a way to win votes that it became an issue.

Again, making drugs illegal HAS NOT WORKED in over 50 years ...  not in any country including those that have the death penalty for drug dealers. How many more years must it fail before you're willing to try something new?
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I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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John Smith
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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #52 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 5:44pm
cods wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:48pm:
John Smith wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:38pm:
cods wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:21pm:
how many real duggies have you known  or had to deal with?

I have a junkie next door. He's been a junkie for over twenty years. He can't kick the habit. Half his arm looks like it has rotted off from shooting up so much (looks like something bit a chunk out of his forearm) but still he can't quit. Otherwise he's a nice enough bloke.  I feel sorry for his mum, who he still lives with even though he's in his mid 40's. She's a sweetheart. She pretends everything Ok and covers up for him but he comes and tells me everything anyway.

yes but you dont live with him...there in lies the difference....I have one coming here on Sat to do some work in my garden for me if it works out for him he has even been in jail..for holding up a shop at knife point for drugs.. he has been good but falls off the wagon here and there. hes my daughter in laws brother...who fell through the cracks at a very young age.....I have always had time for him... not sure why..but he does try and he is sorry for the pain hes caused another one who lives with just his long suffering mum....she has even come home to him tearing her settee to bits and staffing it with teatowels.when he had a bad dose...its like sitting back and watching a nightmare...

Sorry to hear that Cods. I'm not a fan of junkies. But as long as they leave me alone, I'll leave them alone. Most of them are sorry for what they do Cods .... until they need another hit, then they'll do it all over again.
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Australian Politics

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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #53 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 6:00pm
John Smith wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 5:44pm:
cods wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:48pm:
John Smith wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:38pm:
cods wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:21pm:
how many real duggies have you known  or had to deal with?

I have a junkie next door. He's been a junkie for over twenty years. He can't kick the habit. Half his arm looks like it has rotted off from shooting up so much (looks like something bit a chunk out of his forearm) but still he can't quit. Otherwise he's a nice enough bloke.  I feel sorry for his mum, who he still lives with even though he's in his mid 40's. She's a sweetheart. She pretends everything Ok and covers up for him but he comes and tells me everything anyway.

yes but you dont live with him...there in lies the difference....I have one coming here on Sat to do some work in my garden for me if it works out for him he has even been in jail..for holding up a shop at knife point for drugs.. he has been good but falls off the wagon here and there. hes my daughter in laws brother...who fell through the cracks at a very young age.....I have always had time for him... not sure why..but he does try and he is sorry for the pain hes caused another one who lives with just his long suffering mum....she has even come home to him tearing her settee to bits and staffing it with teatowels.when he had a bad dose...its like sitting back and watching a nightmare...

Sorry to hear that Cods. I'm not a fan of junkies. But as long as they leave me alone, I'll leave them alone. Most of them are sorry for what they do Cods .... until they need another hit, then they'll do it all over again.

sadly fr this guy....Canberra is a small place and druggies have no trouble find them....we now have bikies here in almost every area...  hes doing his best to stay pff it  but after so many years??? the irony is he was in Jail for 5 years..then 2 more added when he was caught smoking weed...and he came out a worse addict than when he went in....nothing and I mean nothing was done to get him off the turning the blind eye.....the jail here is worse than the streets
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Australian Politics

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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #54 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 6:03pm
Some very stupid views on here.

Some substances are too dangerous to ever be made legal, it's that simple and saying that drug policy should be either totally zero tolerance or totally legal is just retarded.

The best policy which works is to decriminalise use, even decriminalise very low level dealing but maintain increasingly harsh penalties depending on size for the suppliers/importers.

In California despite weed being legal/regulated, there's still a huge amount of organised crime growing and distributing weed. 

America doesn't have a drug problem, it has a poverty problem.

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Australian Politics

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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #55 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 6:05pm
John Smith wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 5:41pm:
cods wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:50pm:
John Smith wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:34pm:
cods wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:21pm:
just the DAMAGE they cause...

lots of things cause damage but are still legal cods. Sugar, Alcohol, peanuts for some etc. You'll never stop people from having bad reactions to things.

What makes dugs worse is that often drug dealers use all sorts of crap to make their drugs stretch out .... paint stripper, nail polish remover, bleach are just a few of the things I've heard have been used but essentially they'll use whatever they happen to have laying around. Taking control of the drug industry allows us to control what gets put out. Why would anyone go buy a pill from a drug dealer that he made in his shed with who knows what, when you can go to a chemist and know that what you're getting is safe?

what about speeding on the road... always always over a 1000 every year killed needlessly   should we legalise that as well or how about make car go no faster than 70...think of the savings there..

I dont think we have over a 1000 year in years out in overdoses do we?

More than 2000 Aussies die every year from drug overdoses Cods. But thats a poo comparison .. whilst most people drive, most people do no do drugs.

We control speeding on the roads cods, we don't make driving illegal for everyone because some die in accidents. Decriminalizing drugs allows us to control the drugs and takes the power and the money away from drug dealers.  You used to be able to buy Heroin over the counter (in the USA)  .. it was only once some politician saw it as a way to win votes that it became an issue.

Again, making drugs illegal HAS NOT WORKED in over 50 years ...  not in any country including those that have the death penalty for drug dealers. How many more years must it fail before you're willing to try something new? 

well its a bit like these anti vaxxers.......should we also make that legal to not have vaccinations ....which would affect many people ..

as has already been pointed out smoking is a dying art because its ALMOST INVISIBLE....and its a sin to smoke in company....yet if we make drugs available  and let them pay tax.....are we not saying COME ON IN GIVE IT A TRY NO HARM DONe

I dont know anymore
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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #56 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 6:09pm
Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 9:36pm:
Agree, the problem is if we to ban any drug with no benefit and only problems then goes the VB and Winnie blues

Any drug that is banned has the appeal of it being illegal.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #57 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 6:25pm
cods wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 6:05pm:
John Smith wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 5:41pm:
cods wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:50pm:
John Smith wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:34pm:
cods wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 5:21pm:
just the DAMAGE they cause...

lots of things cause damage but are still legal cods. Sugar, Alcohol, peanuts for some etc. You'll never stop people from having bad reactions to things.

What makes dugs worse is that often drug dealers use all sorts of crap to make their drugs stretch out .... paint stripper, nail polish remover, bleach are just a few of the things I've heard have been used but essentially they'll use whatever they happen to have laying around. Taking control of the drug industry allows us to control what gets put out. Why would anyone go buy a pill from a drug dealer that he made in his shed with who knows what, when you can go to a chemist and know that what you're getting is safe?

what about speeding on the road... always always over a 1000 every year killed needlessly   should we legalise that as well or how about make car go no faster than 70...think of the savings there..

I dont think we have over a 1000 year in years out in overdoses do we?

More than 2000 Aussies die every year from drug overdoses Cods. But thats a poo comparison .. whilst most people drive, most people do no do drugs.

We control speeding on the roads cods, we don't make driving illegal for everyone because some die in accidents. Decriminalizing drugs allows us to control the drugs and takes the power and the money away from drug dealers.  You used to be able to buy Heroin over the counter (in the USA)  .. it was only once some politician saw it as a way to win votes that it became an issue.

Again, making drugs illegal HAS NOT WORKED in over 50 years ...  not in any country including those that have the death penalty for drug dealers. How many more years must it fail before you're willing to try something new? 

well its a bit like these anti vaxxers.......should we also make that legal to not have vaccinations ....which would affect many people ..

as has already been pointed out smoking is a dying art because its ALMOST INVISIBLE....and its a sin to smoke in company....yet if we make drugs available  and let them pay tax.....are we not saying COME ON IN GIVE IT A TRY NO HARM DONe

I dont know anymore   

Even if made legal there will still be a flourishing black market and the argument that something made legal diminishes it's appeal is pure BS. Just look at grog and ciggies. In the last 10 years smoking has had a sharp decline but prior to that, when I was in my late teens everyone smoked and drank hard.

I'm 100% up for total legalisation of MJ, and I'd like for psychiatry to be able to experiment with psychedelics, but the synthetic concoctions coming out of filthy labs in China, anyone who reckons that schit should be legal has no clue.

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Australian Politics

Posts: 20832
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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #58 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 6:26pm
Sprintcyclist wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 6:09pm:
Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Sep 10th, 2020 at 9:36pm:
Agree, the problem is if we to ban any drug with no benefit and only problems then goes the VB and Winnie blues

Any drug that is banned has the appeal of it being illegal.

Ever been to a pub on a Friday night? Is beer banned?

Drugs have appeal because they either have a desirable effect, or they don't.
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John Smith
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Re: ALL drugs should be decriminalised
Reply #59 - Sep 11th, 2020 at 6:54pm
cods wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 6:05pm:
....should we also make that legal to not have vaccinations ...   

It is perfectly legal to not have vaccinations. There is no law to say you must have them.

Gordon wrote on Sep 11th, 2020 at 6:25pm:
Even if made legal there will still be a flourishing black market and the argument that something made legal diminishes it's appeal is pure BS. Just look at grog and ciggies.

yeah ... there are dealers selling winnie blues and VB  at every corner such is the appeal Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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