Sprintcyclist wrote on Sep 12
th, 2020 at 4:40am:
What is cabal?
What is qanon?
QAnon's a high-ranking, top-secret Deep State official who puts coded messages out on sites like this one, Sprint.
Q said Mr Trump's real reason to become Prez was to destroy a sinister secret paedophile ring that includes Hillary, Obama, George W and a whole lot of other Deep Staters who have their way with our children.
The FBI caught Epstein, a notorious paedophile with Deep State connections. Epstein was found dead in his cell, then all the photos came out of Epstein partying with Mr Trump, despite Fox News trying to airbrush Mr Trump out.
Then they got Epstein's girlfriend on child trafficking, and all these photos came out of her with Mr Trump too. Mr Trump admitted they were friends and wished her well.
So Q's been forced back into hiding. Mr Trump told him to keep his big mouth shut.