Bobby. wrote on Sep 24
th, 2020 at 5:39am:
Quote:most "normal' members of society and indeed most societies from
an anthropological point of view give pregnant women a 'special status"
hear hear sir Aqua,
Vic Pol have gone too far.
It is hard for society to deal with people who are trolling online
It would have been so much easier 200 years ago when you are dealing with them face to face
But just as a thought experiment
Imagine a middle aged Indian warrior
Path of chief sitting bulls tribe
Imagine that he sees a pregnant woman being rough handled by other men
And sitting Bull ask him what he saw
And he questions sitting bulls concern with the fact that the woman was pregnant
Then imagine this same middle aged tribal member
Starts rumours about setting bull and his 12 year old daughter
He starts drawing pictures of sitting bulls daughter
And circulates these around other tribal members
Implying that there is an inappropriate relationship between the chief and his daughter
how do you think that the other members of The tribe would react
How do you think the chief sitting bull would react
The Sioux were a noble respectful and harmonious society
But they could be brutal when they needed to be
It is highly likely in fact I would consider it a certainty
That anyone behaving in such a deviant way in such a society
Would be buried in an ant Hill
With their eyelids removed
What happens today in our modern society
Virtually nothing
This would seem to be the major contributor
To the lack of cohesion
Polarization and tribal infighting we now see
Interesting that tribes 200 years ago were cohesive
And now we think we are so superior
And yet we are tribal
And completely uncivil
And deviancy and bad faith go unpunished