yeah, he's one creepy dude.
he stared straight into the camera the night after they handcuffed the pregnant girl and said with a straight face "i have not seen the footage".
it had screened on international media and was seen by every other victorian but dan said he had not seen it.
obviously a lie .
are you telling me a premier doesnt watch something like that with all the implications it brings
so not just a liar but a pathological liar.
his belt and road ties are concerning.
my contacts in victoria say that he has it in for the abbatoirs down there.
he stated in a media release that there is a special problme with covid in meatworks

, almost implying the virus can be caught off cattle.

these meatworks will not be able to supply the christmas market, not running at 1/2 capacity.
he has an intention to demolish them , first with the dearest electricity in the world and now a singling out for shutdown.
he has already sold the diary industry to china.
tick of approval to the $600 million purchase of Lion Dairy and Drinks by China's Mengniu Dairy Company, rejecting concerns about reduced milk market competition in Victoria's Gippsland region
beef will be it is crippled.
a letter from dan
The Chinese community has
been a part of our
community even before
Victoria was a State. In
1901, a traditional Chinese
dragon marched through the
streets of Melbourne in the
official parade that marked
the formation of our country.
And every year since, the
sheer ingenuity and integrity
of Chinese migrants and visitors has helped make our state a
prouder, more prosperous place. It’s always been this way
– and it always will.
More Chinese students are studying at our universities, and
we are honoured to host them. More Chinese tourists are
visiting the beautiful reaches of our state. More Chinese
businesses are investing here in Victoria: Australia’s industrial
heartland and its capital of new ideas.
It’s a special partnership that’s built not on transactions, but
on trust and tradition. We can’t take it for granted. We want
to refine and perfect this partnership so it is even stronger in
the future. That’s what our New China Strategy is all about.
I travelled to China in September 2015, in my first official
overseas visit as Premier of Victoria. And I pledge to visit
China every subsequent year that I am privileged to hold this
office. While I was there, I had many conversations with our
Chinese friends about how we can work together as partners.
I’m proud to tell you that Victoria and Jiangsu Province – our
oldest and most enduring sister state relationship – have
joined forces under a new innovation and technological
agreement. We’ll be converting our best ideas into shared
commercial interests that will support the next generation of
Chinese and Victorian growth.
I can also tell you that Victoria and China’s booming Sichuan
Province will work towards becoming sister states in 2016.
This is a big deal.
This new relationship will be Victoria’s anchor in China’s
fastest growing region and our gateway to its people.
Our cooperation will centre on the liveability of our cities.
We’ll be working together to build smart and sustainable
cities for the next century – sharing our ideas in design,
environmental protection, education and health.
Businesses here in Victoria tell me they want more assistance
to reach into Asian markets. They want a louder voice.
And our new China Strategy sets a target to make Victoria the
nation’s Asian gateway – the place to go if you want to gain
insight and get the deal done.
There’s so much China and Victoria can achieve together.
We both have our economic challenges, but our combined
potential is greater than all of them.
On behalf of the Victorian Government, I am so proud to
hand down our new China Strategy. Ours is a powerful
partnership. And it will only get stronger from here.
The Hon Daniel Andrews MP
Premier of Victoria
and the chinese feel just as warmly
towards dan
The Andrews Government of Victoria has seized this historic
opportunity in developing a new China Strategy. Outlining a
practical plan for Victoria’s cooperation with China, the
Strategy reflects the profound thinking and far-sighted
vision of Premier Andrews and his government on the
China-Victoria relationship. In the process of developing this
Strategy, the Andrews Government reached out to Jiangsu
and Sichuan and embraced their ideas, making sure the
Strategy is a well-targeted and effective one. What’s more
impressive is that a Chinese version of the Strategy is to be
released together with the English version.
I warmly congratulate the introduction of this Strategy, and
am convinced that the Strategy will live up to expectations.
As Consul-General of China in Melbourne, I am delighted to
witness that China-Victoria cooperation bears rich fruit. It is
my duty and my will to continue to spare no efforts in
promoting this mutually beneficial relationship.
Mr Song Yumin
Chinese Consul General in Melbourne