President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Sep 25 th, 2020 at 10:34am: Quote: Biden Stuns by Shutting Campaign Down Early During Huge News Cycle
President Donald Trump has spent four years proving that the power of the White House is an around-the-clock responsibility.
Joe Biden’s campaign has trouble making it through a morning.
That’s a truth that’s becoming more glaringly obvious daily — almost literally — as the Biden campaign has put a “lid” on media events before the clock even strikes noon for nine days of the 24 so far in September.
Zeke Miller, a White House reporter for The Associated Press, put out the word regarding Biden’s latest show of inactivity at about half-past 9 a.m. Eastern Time — when most Americans with day jobs are on their second — or third, or fourth — cup of coffee and getting ready to face the rest of the day.
And the lethargy being shown by a man who is ostensibly seeking one of the world’s most demanding positions was nothing unusual.
As The Daily Caller r. For Biden’s so-called campaign, the lids often come during the a.m. hours.
This is at a time when American streets are filled with rioters — like the savages in Louisville, Kentucky — and when the constitutional process itself is bes intent on fulfilling his duty to nominate a Supreme Court justice to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Yet the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee apparently has nothing to say to the country he has the arrogance to hope to lead?
Whether it’s arrogance or incompetence, it’s stunn. And he’s calling out Biden’s obvious indolence:
You know where he is today?” Trump asked his audience at a rally Tuesday in Moon Township, Pennsylvania, just outside of Pittsburgh.
“They have a thing called ‘the lid,’” Trump said. “He put out a lid today early in the morning. Lid means he’s not going to be anywhere today. I’m working my a– off. I’m in Ohio, I’m in Texas, I’m in Florida, I’m in Michigan. I’m in Wisconsin.”
On Thursday morning, Trump used a Twitter post to hammer the point home:
Sleepy Joe Biden just closed down his campaign for the day (Again),” Trump wrote. “Wants to rest! He is a very LOW ENERGY INDIVIDUAL, and our Country cannot make it in these exciting, but complex and competitive times, with a Low Energy President !!!”
Naturally, the maliciously biased mainstream media is paying little attention to Biden’s non-campaign.
On Thursday, a report in The Hill managed to cover it as though Trump were the real issue, not the fact that a presidential candidate seems incapable of campaigning: “Trump mocks Biden for calling ‘a lid’ before 9 a.m.,” the headline stated.
That story noted that Biden had said he would spend the day in preparation for Tuesday’s presidential debate, which isn’t bad as a cover story — and social media sycophants ate it up.
But that doesn’t explain the other eight days of September the campaign decided to knock off early.
So, the obvious question is, why is Biden putting a lid on it before most people’s days really get going?
The obvious guesses are that either his 77 years are weighing so heavily on him that he’s unable to perform public functions anytime after 12 p.m., or that his advisers are intent on keeping him out of the public eye — running out the clock on the campaign and hoping the anti-Trump vitriol their allies in the mainstream media have been brewing for four years is enough to push their candidate over the finish line.
Neither possibility should encourage a sane society to elect such a man as its leader. And plenty of social media users know that:
This is outrageous. Biden’s ‘lids’ should lead every newscast. He is clearly not fit for office,” Hillyer wrote.
Yes, it’s outrageous. A presidential candidate with so little respect for the American people doesn’t deserve a single vote.
Yes, it should lead every newscast. A mainstream media that was truly reporting news — inste
And yes, a candidate who has literally nothing to say to the American people when there is so much to talk about clearly isn’t fit for office.
Biden is the candidate of a campaign built on lies. The Democrats who engineered this Potemkin presidential run know it. The so-called journalists that have spent years betraying both their profession and their country know it.
Somewhere in his obviously increasing senescence, even Biden might know it, too.
If he doesn’t, he has his own physical frailty to excuse him.
Not one of his supporters can say the same, from the Democratic Party, to the liberal, mainstream media, to the millions of deluded souls in the country who think getting rid of a president they despise is worth putting a sham of a candidate into office. Seriously... I’m not even sure he’ll make it to November 3rd... What are the DNC thinking? I watched him walk out for a 2 minute speech a few days back and You're right, Mechanic. Mr Trump spends an average of three hours a day in the Oval Office, four days a week. The rest of his days are blacked out as "executive time", where he watches TV and writes tweets like the one the Daily Caller is quoting here as news. Mr Trump spends three days a week at his golf clubs, unwinding after the above long week. When he says high-energy, he means writing in capitals and putting exclamation marks at the end of his tweets, like this: WITCH HUNT!!!