he dares to call himself a leader..
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has admitted he doesn’t know who made the decision to contract private security to guard returned travellers in hotel quarantine.
The spectacular admission is contained in his witness statement to the hotel quarantine inquiry.
Mr Andrews was asked “Who made the decision to engage private security contractors in the Hotel Quarantine Program?”
“I do not know who made that decision,” he wrote.
He said that after National Cabinet determined to introduce hotel quarantine, he expected a mix of personnel would play a role in the program including Victoria Police.
“But the way in which that decision was to be implemented, including the mix of personnel that would be engaged and their respective roles, was an operational matter,” he said.
“That is similarly so in the management of other disasters. For example,
I have no role in determining the mix of staff and allocation of tasks during a catastrophic bushfire event.”Asked if he supporting using private security going forward, Mr Andrews said: “My view as to the engagement of private security contractors in any future iteration of a mandatory hotel quarantine program will be guided by this Board of Inquiry’s findings and recommendations.”
Mr Andrews said he was not aware of anything that would have led then Chief Commissioner of Police Graham Ashton to text AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw saying private security would be used in the Victorian quarantine program.
Texts previously tendered to the inquiry show Mr Ashton texted “Mate. My advise (sic) is the ADF do passenger transfer and private security will be used” in the early afternoon of March 27.
“OK that‘s new,” Mr Kershaw replied.
I think that‘s the deal set up by our DPC (Department of Premier and Cabinet). I understand NSW will be a different arrangement,” Mr Ashton said, adding that he had spoken to NSW Police commissioner Mick Fuller.
so there you have it... a horse..[govt] with no head..

hes very good at not answering a direct question isnt he...
maybe been taking lessons from shortarse.