Gold Member

Posts: 6741
Same names, same teams, same ignorance. Andrews is LYING, no ifs, buts or maybes, unequivocally, definitely, LYING. WHY would he, and all his minions lie, if they are all so shiny, clean innocent?
They are not. It is exactly as it has already been reported. A piss weak career pollie, with an unfortunate messiah complex, had gone mad with power over the WuFlu, and caved to bullying from an outside source, who may or may not have been a Union man, cough/sure was, cough/no bout a doubt it,and who may have needed to remind the previously male gendered leader to remember which side his bread was buttered when donation times come around and how a friend could throw some crumbs to faithful friends, even if they don't own a meatworks. Lots of ethnically diverse lads and lasses need a job, and will work cheap, leaving a nice little payday for whoever manages their contracts. I mean, how would anyone expect a busy fella to remember little details when they are a big picture guy, saving us all from the WuFlu.
I hope he ends up living in a cardboard box, the POS.