aquascoot wrote on Sep 25
th, 2020 at 2:31pm:
That's true, dear. The Superior Man might be immune.
Or maybe not. Either/or, no?
As long as he takes personal responsibility, practices Zuby's rules for building a better body, and eats lots of fibre and raw vegetables.
Fat Steve and Janeen, promoted to the public service, can sit at home eating Maccas and watching Netflicks. The "noble Chows" in Wuhan can stay welded in. Gladys and Brad can continue their morning sermons on safety.
But the Superior Man can demonstrate his personal responsibility. Not for him social distancing, working from home and ordering Uber Eats. The Superior Man is a model for the youth of today, he is at the pinnacle of the "narrow path to success", a path few dare to tread; not so much a man as a
god.Study him, leftards: he might be immune.
5 years is the minimum.