Aussie wrote on Oct 20
th, 2020 at 4:28pm:
Bobby. wrote on Oct 20
th, 2020 at 4:04pm:
Jasin wrote on Oct 20
th, 2020 at 3:57pm:
You shouldn't associate with mangy dirty hobo mutts Bobby.
Their 'rabid' nature has a nasty untrusting bite... unless you poke your Fat Housebreaker Sausage through some fence pailings. Life in the Houso burbs with dogs running wild on the streets.
Hi JaSin,
It's quite funny really -
I actually try to do Monk and Aussie a favor.
All this stuff
that gets said about them behind their
backs has a chance every now and then to be aired -
but instead it gets shut down and the millstone
remains around their necks forever.
10 years now and still counting
Where Bobby? Come on. Clear the air. Get rid of that millstone.
You now have an unequivocal answer from Monk. He said he has never contacted anyone's enployer.
So, now is when you apologose for the very obvious implications (you posted) that he did.
dear Aussie,
OK - the story goes like this.
Monk phoned up the employer of the doxxed person.
Monk asked to speak to whoever was in charge
and Monk was then tricked as he was speaking directly to the doxxed person.
Monk gave some story that was designed to lose
the doxxed person their job.
Of course it didn't work as the doxxed person had a high IQ.
( I won't say who that doxxed person was
Still - it showed malicious intent from Monk.
That's all I know and I heard that a long time ago.
I have also heard it from many different sources.
Maybe other posters have heard that story too?