Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 2
nd, 2020 at 9:50am:
I understand why you so vehemently deny the MWP & LIA every existed.
Because that would throw your theory out the window.
Unfortunately for you JV the IPCC lost their scientific credibility a long time ago starting from when they replaced the Lamb graph with the Hockey stick.
Before Anthropogenic Global Warming became the biggest hoax in human history there were and are still are countless scientific papers that show the MWP & LIA existed and were global.
Even the IPCC used this data as shown below in their first paper.
Until Mann's hockey stick appeared only to be thrown under the bus about 10 years later. BTW the IPCC have now returned to something that has a pump and a dip representing the MWP & LIA.
Michael Mann sued Tim Ball because Tim Ball said the hockey stick was fraudulent, they went to court and under no circumstances would Michael Mann show his math at how he arrived at the hockey stick.
So the court awarded the case to Tim Ball and costs.
Now why didn't Mann just show his calculations and be done with it, is it because they were dirty laundry....?