Frank wrote on Oct 27 th, 2020 at 7:41pm: Karnal wrote on Oct 27 th, 2020 at 7:35pm: Richdude wrote on Oct 26 th, 2020 at 8:32am: greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 26 th, 2020 at 7:10am: AiA wrote on Oct 26 th, 2020 at 7:04am: greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 26 th, 2020 at 6:50am: Richdude wrote on Oct 26 th, 2020 at 3:23am: AiA wrote on Oct 26 th, 2020 at 3:17am: How many does this make now? Just imagine the lie count after he is out of office and historians examine his record ... How much have you donated to charity? Hey Rich: tell us again that lie about how the alleged child rapist donates his salary to charity. I need a good laugh Here is your laf How do you like them apples, Rich? You guys are such a joke! Here's an excellent online comment - couldn't agree more. For the past few months we've been discussing the planned takedown of the American Republic. I honestly am beginning to understand we have been discerning something that has already occurred (and not some possible dystopia on the horizon), i.e., it is not if/when America will fall, but rather what degree of damage is already done. It would appear the bomb has already detonated and what we are seeing is fallout, i.e., the Department of Justice appears to be nonfunctional, the alphabet agencies are complicit in the takedown, the government and MSM are no longer pretending to operate within the constraints of the U.S. Constitution, one political party has open disdain for the Free Republic (while a good majority of other party but placates its last few believers), history is already being revised (apparently by the victors), all the while the body politic is distracted and gripped and obsessed by fear of a fictional pandemic weaponized by a relatively non-deadly bioweapon, running around in circles bumping into each other and knowing not what. There is no longer any faith or mechanism to guarantee an honest election whose tally is largely in control by corrupted centralized partisans. I really could go on and on and on...
Unless there is a landslide in unprecedented proportions, and unless the people demand the candidate who is at least addressing these issues openly actually steps up and begins to clean up the mess, all we are really measuring here is the degree of fallout...
Hillary took out the US Ambassador in Labia, Rich, remember? Edited for accuracy. The old boy’s changing history, Rich FAKE NEWS!