Brian Ross wrote on Nov 1
st, 2020 at 10:26pm:, dearie, dearie, me. I see the troll has poked his head out from under his bridge and thrown another handgrenade. Tsk, tsk, such a foolish fellow is he. Such an ignorant one as well. At Cronulla (nominally) Christians decided to attack people of "Middle-Eastern Appearance", which included women, children, a Brazilian and an Israeli, amongst others. They also stoned Ambulances and attacked Police who attempted to control their violence. Seems they couldn't figure who to attack. Such brave people.
There are two sides to that story, the one you paint and the truth.
For years the muzzos waited like spiders at Cronnulla station for young girls and young men to exit the station and pass through the muzzos who sexually harassed the girls and physically attacked the boys.
Only when they were outnumbered of course (as is the muzzo way)
Only one day they attacked a life guard, and realizing their error they did what muzzo do....they ran away the cowards they are.
You also neglected to mention the gangs of muzzos cruising the streets looking for "Australian looking men" so that they on mass could and did attack, putting several in hospital.
Perhaps the people of Cronulla had had enough.
This cult of death is a plague on mankind.
It is violent, dangerous and stupid, as are the sycophant nutcases who protect it.
Is it because you are afraid of them and when they decide to destroy everything, you can beg mercy as a supporter?
Or are you simply an asinine nutcase who has no idea?
Either way bwyannnnnnnnnnn
You and your ilk are the direct reason this CULT OF DEATH is starting to take hold throughout the world.