UK: Councillor threatened with beheading for ‘Islamophobic’ comments about Muslim rape gangs and mosques
Oct 30, 2020
By Christine Douglass-Williams
16 Comments A Conservative member of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council, Beverly Dunlop, on Facebook “suggested banning mosques and, in another,
claimed fundamentalists were ‘hiding in plain sight in the Muslim community.'” And according to Breitbart, “In another post from 2019, she criticised calls for an inquiry into Islamophobia in the Conservative Party by saying:
‘How about them calling for an inquiry into Islamist rape gangs grooming underage, underpriveleged white girls [sic]?'”For this, she is now receiving death threats. Such threats and actual murder
for violations of the Sharia prohibition of criticism of Islam will become more commonplace in Western society, every time dhimmis dare to step out of line.