This talk of pet dogs roaming ... most have them inside, or in an enclosed safe back yard. Especially if one pays big $$$$ for a specific breed.
In that case, if a specific breed/mix has good social family encounters and life, there is no reason for aggression.
We never desexed our blue/red healer. He always stayed close to home on our property.
Was the best friendliest loving social dog that everyone loved.
He did however, develop a cancer type tumour in his scrotum and although I kept him well with lots of alternate products, after a few months, decided it was cheaper to have him operated on to remove his balls, as the products I used were getting on the expensive side.
The vet was at me for months about the operation, saying the tumour would spread and attach to the stomach etc.
When our dog had the op, the vet was amazed how clean and contained the tumour was, and it had shrunk instead of grow and spread.
One of the products I gave the dog was shark cartilage powder.
As sharks are resistant to cancer apparently.
Anyway, once our dog had his balls removed, his fur became thicker and he seemed more youthful.
Maybe there’s something to that for men too?
(just kidding)