Aussie wrote on Dec 20
th, 2020 at 7:34am:
For days now, I have been accused of 'dobbing' to a GMod about the fact that JaSin was defying a ban in Jovial Monk's MRB. I neither confirmed nor denied the allegation.
Despite some very obvious hints, the hungry fish kept leaping at the bait, with more and more jumping in to make the allegation.
Those in the know deliberately kept schtum to see just how many fish we could catch, given the bigotry they could be relied upon to demonstrate. They did not fail to jump on the hook.
And last night, Mr Smith decided it was time to land the catch, when he posted this, the truth:
Quote:I've given you so many clues but you're still to stupid to figure it out on your own.
......I was asked if I would pass on a message to a gmod by monk and I did. That you people are to stupid for your own good has nothing to do with aussie.
"So, line up, line up, line up all you bigots, get your humble pie here."
Let's see the apologies.
Nice catch Mr Smith.
How's it feel Aussie, that your 'reputation' proceeds you?
You got what you deserved.

Poor Smith is jealous of your notoriety status.
Smith wants to be the 'bad boy' so bad, he even bought a hoodie to look so.

Either way, both have Monk's hands up their arses like Sock Puppets.
Funny how they feel they got one up on us and myself - by Monk being 'banned'.

Even Losers and Trolls get their 15mins of Fame.