Aussie wrote on Dec 20
th, 2020 at 11:32am:
Super Nova
, you have been very vocal in attacking me on this subject. Tell me what you say is appropriate and what is not appropriate, with or without the relevant Member's permission.
The floor is yours.
I cannot comment on this as I am not aware of such behavour. Can you be more precise on your acussation and provide evidence.
Gaining access to a members account by logging in as them is out of order. So tell us aussie, have you stopped entering peoples accounts with or without their permission. I notice you are not making the accusation they have committed the highest sin you have commited. Are you still doing it, if not, when did you stop?
Please define the term "entering" in the context. Very ambiguous in your usage. using GMod provided tools to changes information that is also maintainable by the member is not "entering" So please be clear on this meaning and the accusation you are making.
Using the wrong word aussie, as you know, as an esteemed lawyer of some infamy, is not very smart unless you want to create a false impression. You wouldn't want that now, would you. So be precise with your language please.
Also, I have updated my signature because you dobbed me into the GMods and got me a short holiday.
Thanks for that Mr Dobber arsewipe. I have evidence that you run to the GMods to dob members in for small deviations from the rules that continually get updated because you love rules to find things to complain to the GMods about.
I have no comment to make about the administration here. If you don't like the administration, show yourself the door. Oh, you will never do that because your whole purpose here is to GMod bash and have a power trip rush when you get someone banned.
Tell me aussie, do you still logging into members accounts when they request a password change?