Dude you seem a bit confused, in a nut shell let me set you straight…LOL……….

WW1 & WW2 were real, the atom bombs were real and if the USSR or the CCP had of dropped those bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki the west would celebrate it every year like we celebrate the Anzacs or the 6 million Jews that died at the hands of the Nazis, but because it was big brother it’s all hush hush, shhhhh…….say no more………..?!..

Man’s landing on the moon was fake. Never happened, why…?? We know what the moon module was made of therefore how humans could survive the radiation in the Van Allen belts and the coldness of space at -270°C is very debatable, and we have modern day astronauts telling us on utube that one day they will go to the moon when they figure out all these things.....

The assassination of President Kennedy was real after all he wanted to end the Vietnam war and also hated secret societies, who was it, still up for debate....

The Vietnam war was real, the reason the US entered that war and dragged us into it, well that is debatable with a couple of Vietnamese PT boats assaulting the US fleet….LOL….they could have blown them (PT boats) out of the water and that would have been it, but NO they had to invade.....

The Yugoslavian war was real, why the powers to be wanted to break her up….still working on that one....

9-11 was a false flag operation, why because the only way building can fall like that is if they are demolished all three of them, plus we got to see a fat bin laden and then after he went to Gloria Marshall a very thin bin laden, not to mention some Moroccan who woke up in Morocco and saw his face on the front page of the newspaper as one of the 9-11 hijackers, he quickly called authorities to say it wasn’t him, and many other facets of the 9-11 story that don’t fit the puzzle....

The Iraqi and Afghanistan wars are real and still going on today, like the Vietnam war these two wars are meant to be sustained. Iraq and then later Libya made the mistake of telling all their oil customers that from now on we will only trade in Euros, both were smacked on the head quick smart and trading in US$ was resumed immediately....

So that brings us to covid-19 well I bet my left knacker Bill Gates is involved in this, all vaccines lead to a branch of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Weird that so many doctors are going out on a limb and telling us through places like utube that the vaccines are not safe etc etc and we are the guinea pigs, there have been no trials on mice etc. Funny how when Trump said he would send a shipment of Hydroxychloroquine to China to help them out then not soon after, our government gives orders to doctors not to administer this drug to dying covid-19 patients. One thing I do know the world will be refashioned because of covid-19, and if the vaccine is only good for 30 to 180 days what is the point of taking it…..?!......too many unknowns with covid-19.....