Setanta wrote on Dec 24
th, 2020 at 7:10pm:
John Smith wrote on Dec 24
th, 2020 at 6:11pm:
cods wrote on Dec 24
th, 2020 at 5:12pm:
is showing..
Dictatorship? You do realise he started this thread to see what everyone's opinion on this is, right?
Do you even know what a dictatorship is?
You know Childeric the Frankish king many years ago publicly mourned not having any family, the fact he had murdered all the family he knew about made people and historians wonder about his motives.
Wouldn't a wannabe dictatorship want to know who it's opposition was? Like Childeric, is not a public call the best way to find enemies you never knew you had?
he was before my time I am afraid.
but the
relationship mod sounds very similar...he has driven just about every member of ozpol out of his domain... or he has banned them ... same thing...
I am here today very reluctant and because the word mong has been used by myself....but I am now tired of it..yawnnnnn.
I could not use the same boring words year in year out like some from mongsville do.. I am now at the stage where I do not believe they know any other words to be honest..
hilariously the
staff member from yonder tells emperor mod not to DICTATE to members what words to use...........
then asks do YOU know what a dictator is...

someone who wants to tell you what words to use.. I presume...

just to have a go at me of course he cant help himself...
same with emperor mod..........he spends all his time thinking up way to get back at you.....I dare say you have noticed that.....