Ayn Marx wrote on Dec 30
th, 2020 at 5:33pm:
Yadda wrote on Dec 30
th, 2020 at 4:03pm:
@ Reply #8,
That image says so much about 'us' today,
and about how 'normal' our deviant, 'popular', mainstream 'culture', has become.
Become? Can I suggest you explore ancient Greek history and that of the Middle East?
They all recognised their deviants as deviants. They frowned at deviance when it got out of hand, claimed more for itself than it deserves. That is unchanged in my view. Frowning is not persecuting. For a species dependent on heterosexual sex for its propagation, homosexuals will always be a deviation, and inversion, a perversion, a luxury affordable only as long as it is a niche deviation, not the norm.
In that sense homosexuality cannot be normal, only tolerated as an affordable minority perversion. Recognising deviants is not to persecute them. To see a hunchback AS A hunchback is not thereby a cause to persecute him. Nevertheless, he IS a hunchback.
After gay 'marriage' we now have transgenderism and 'people who give birth', ie not women.
The deep misogyny of 'gays' is evident in drag queens and transgender agitation for blokes to be allowed to be treated as women. Homosexual men have an abiding but deeply suppressed hatred of women. They want to displace them. Nothing 'gay'
about them. The 'gay' is just Orwellian Newspeak.