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Victoria - Covid is back. (Read 14623 times)
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #30 - Jan 4th, 2021 at 7:13pm
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #31 - Jan 4th, 2021 at 9:55pm
Bobby. wrote on Jan 2nd, 2021 at 9:19am:
Latest news  ABC 24

10 new Covid cases detected in Victoria overnight -
all traced back to NSW.

Are we headed for more dirty Dan lockdowns?

You lucky, lucky people !      Grin

It'll be OK though, coz Dan learned how NOT to do it, last time.         Grin

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Carl D
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #32 - Jan 17th, 2021 at 12:14am
Watch out, Victoria - you might be heading for another lockdown before long (I hope not).

Coronavirus cases after Australian Open chartered flights into Melbourne force players into strict quarantine

Dozens of players who flew into Melbourne for the Australian Open will be confined to their rooms and unable to train for 14 days after passengers on two charter flights tested positive for COVID-19.
More than 120 people, including 47 players, have been counted as close contacts of the three positive cases, who arrived on charter flights into Victoria from Los Angeles and Abu Dhabi on Friday morning.

Confined to their rooms? Let's see how well that works out after the Brisbane Grand Chancellor Hotel fiasco. Perhaps they might need to turn the airconditioning system off?

And, I hope someone will be checking to see if they're actually in their rooms and not wandering around Melbourne.

Some 1,240 players and support staff began arriving into Melbourne this week ahead of the tournament, and are being housed in special quarantine hotels.

"Special quarantine hotels"? They must be the ones where people who are supposed to be in quarantine can swim and relax by the pool all day (like the AFL players and their army of "hanger ons" did in Brisbane for the Grand Final last year) instead of being confined to their rooms like the average Joe in quarantine has to do.

The almighty dollar comes first again, of course.
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« Last Edit: Jan 17th, 2021 at 12:30am by Carl D »  

** Repeat Covid infections exercise our immune system in the same way that repeat concussions exercise our brain **
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #33 - Jan 17th, 2021 at 6:17am
yawn yawn.

as nobel laureatte and immunologist professor ian fraser said

This is quite a common event in human history, a plague if you like, of a new virus," Professor Ian Frazer said.

Professor Frazer helped create the HPV vaccine that helps save millions of women from cervical cancer around the globe, and was named Australian of the Year in 2006.

He says many of us will contract a mild version of this coronavirus, but most of us will survive. He said if the hospital systems aren't overloaded we should be able to save lives.

"This is a fairly infectious virus and I think it would be highly difficult to contain it even with all of the measures that we're now putting in place in Australia," he said

"This is not something to panic about, this is something to accept and get on with life and make sure we are ready for whatever happens. The good news is if we can slow the epidemic down with all this social distancing and hand washing," the professor added. 

Professor Frazer is an advisor on medical research at University of Queensland, where some of his colleagues are working on a vaccine for COVID-19.

"Coronavirus in humans come always from animals to start with," he said. "SARS and MERS came from defined animals and this will have come from an animal as well. Probably a bat but we don't know for certain."

He urged people not to panic.

"We have to minimise the chances of the virus spreading quickly but accept that it is probably going to spread through the community in its entirety."

"The epidemic will probably run its course in a year or two. All the modelling suggests that's what will happen."

"it will then probably remain as a feature of winter outbreaks, much like viral influenza "

wise words from the great man.

its inevitable that it will spread
we shouldnt panic
we should ensure our hospitals are not over run.

they arent.

now palachook wants to send people to remote mining camps becasue it might be able to "go thru walls"
clearly mass insanity and hysteria is now upon us.

this of course, will result in more deaths .

please see my excellent new thread on sleep  Grin Grin

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Carl D
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #34 - Jan 17th, 2021 at 8:55am
aquascoot wrote on Jan 17th, 2021 at 6:17am:
please see my excellent new thread on sleep  Grin Grin

Where is it?

Its like looking for a needle in a haystack seeing as the majority of your threads/posts have a tendency to induce sleep in most people who read them.  Roll Eyes
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** Repeat Covid infections exercise our immune system in the same way that repeat concussions exercise our brain **
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Carl D
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #35 - Jan 17th, 2021 at 9:01am
Starting to look like the Australian Open might be postponed or cancelled.

Victoria records seven cases in quarantine as cloud hangs over Australian Open

Let's see if common sense (and people's lives and health) prevails over money for a change - but, I won't hold my breath.

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** Repeat Covid infections exercise our immune system in the same way that repeat concussions exercise our brain **
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #36 - Jan 17th, 2021 at 9:25am
Carl D wrote on Jan 17th, 2021 at 8:55am:
aquascoot wrote on Jan 17th, 2021 at 6:17am:
please see my excellent new thread on sleep  Grin Grin

Where is it?

Its like looking for a needle in a haystack seeing as the majority of your threads/posts have a tendency to induce sleep in most people who read them.  Roll Eyes

thats great !!!!

a good sleep makes you 5 x less likely to catch a virus.

which is why you shouldnt watch the self serving , fear mongering media  Cheesy Cheesy
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #37 - Jan 17th, 2021 at 10:19am
Carl D wrote on Jan 17th, 2021 at 12:14am:
The almighty dollar comes first again, of course.

It is a disgrace that they are letting players from covid infested countries such as Sweden, UK,US etc in while many Australian citizens still can't get home.

If we get another outbreak from this Dan will have undone all his good work
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #38 - Jan 17th, 2021 at 10:32am
The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 17th, 2021 at 10:19am:
Carl D wrote on Jan 17th, 2021 at 12:14am:
The almighty dollar comes first again, of course.

It is a disgrace that they are letting players from covid infested countries such as Sweden, UK,US etc in while many Australian citizens still can't get home.

If we get another outbreak from this Dan will have undone all his good work

LoL what good work has Dan Dan the Covid man done?
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John Smith
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #39 - Jan 17th, 2021 at 10:38am
Carl D wrote on Jan 17th, 2021 at 8:55am:
aquascoot wrote on Jan 17th, 2021 at 6:17am:
please see my excellent new thread on sleep  Grin Grin

Where is it?

Its like looking for a needle in a haystack seeing as the majority of your threads/posts have a tendency to induce sleep in most people who read them.  Roll Eyes

Grin Grin Grin Grin
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #40 - Jan 17th, 2021 at 11:43am
I'm expecting waves......
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Carl D
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Rivervale, Perth
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #41 - Feb 3rd, 2021 at 11:31pm
And, it looks like it is back again.

Daniel Andrews announces snap coronavirus restrictions for Victoria after hotel quarantine worker tests positive

Victoria has reintroduced mandatory mask rules, reduced the number of people allowed in homes and paused an increase on the number of people allowed in offices after a hotel quarantine worker contracted COVID-19.

How long are we expected to put up with this continuing hotel quarantine fiasco seemingly Australia wide?

As several people here (myself included) have said - these "returned travellers" who have been the source of EVERY outbreak and 'near misses' need to be quarantined AWAY from the major cities.

The Federal and State governments have now had ONE WHOLE YEAR to get their acts together with this, time for some action before we end up like the US and the UK.

And... from last month...

Experts call on Federal Government to acknowledge possible airborne transmission of COVID-19 in hotel quarantine

Failure at a federal level to acknowledge COVID-19 is transmitted through the air has been putting the community at risk, senior scientists, health and safety experts and doctors have told the ABC.

Really? When is it finally going to dawn on these idiots that the main source of COVID-19 transmission is through airborne particles, just like the flu? Hand sanitizing, etc. is great but it should be obvious by now that it mainly spreads through the air.

Its almost like governments (and big business like airlines, etc.) don't want people to start seeing the similarity between the way the yearly flu and COVID-19 are transmitted in case, heaven forbid, the general population start asking awkward questions like "why isn't the flu treated the same way as COVID-19 with all the lockdowns, etc.?" and then the governments and airlines, etc. might have to start spending money to do something about it.

We saw what happened with the flu here in Australia last year (almost non existent) and I'm expecting the same this year. At least that's ONE good thing to come from all the COVID-19 lockdowns, etc. - a lot less flu deaths which we have always accepted every year without a fuss. Let's hope that things will change regarding suppressing the yearly flu after COVID-19 (hopefully) is brought under control worldwide.
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** Repeat Covid infections exercise our immune system in the same way that repeat concussions exercise our brain **
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Australian Politics

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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #42 - Feb 3rd, 2021 at 11:54pm
John Smith wrote on Jan 2nd, 2021 at 10:19am:
The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 2nd, 2021 at 9:29am:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 2nd, 2021 at 9:19am:
Latest news  ABC 24

10 new Covid cases detected in Victoria overnight -
all traced back to NSW.

Are we headed for more dirty Dan lockdowns?

You can blame Gladys and her incompetent handling of the NSW outbreak

It certainly is gladys' fault. And it will get worse. She allowed it to spread knowing the risks just because she thought it was politically convenient.

Also I have to wonder what she is covering up. NSW has apparently some of the best covid tracing in the country and yet they're unable to find patient zero after 3 weeks of searching? I'm calling bullshit. I suspect that patient zero is another NSW govt. screw up  and she doesn't want to admit it.

There is absolutely nothing I like about the much incompetent Mrs Alphabet however I don't see how to blame her for this.
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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #43 - Feb 3rd, 2021 at 11:57pm
Carl D wrote on Feb 3rd, 2021 at 11:31pm:
And, it looks like it is back again.

Daniel Andrews announces snap coronavirus restrictions for Victoria after hotel quarantine worker tests positive

Victoria has reintroduced mandatory mask rules, reduced the number of people allowed in homes and paused an increase on the number of people allowed in offices after a hotel quarantine worker contracted COVID-19.

How long are we expected to put up with this continuing hotel quarantine fiasco seemingly Australia wide?

As several people here (myself included) have said - these "returned travellers" who have been the source of EVERY outbreak and 'near misses' need to be quarantined AWAY from the major cities.

The Federal and State governments have now had ONE WHOLE YEAR to get their acts together with this, time for some action before we end up like the US and the UK.

And... from last month...

Experts call on Federal Government to acknowledge possible airborne transmission of COVID-19 in hotel quarantine

Failure at a federal level to acknowledge COVID-19 is transmitted through the air has been putting the community at risk, senior scientists, health and safety experts and doctors have told the ABC.

Really? When is it finally going to dawn on these idiots that the main source of COVID-19 transmission is through airborne particles, just like the flu? Hand sanitizing, etc. is great but it should be obvious by now that it mainly spreads through the air.

Its almost like governments (and big business like airlines, etc.) don't want people to start seeing the similarity between the way the yearly flu and COVID-19 are transmitted in case, heaven forbid, the general population start asking awkward questions like "why isn't the flu treated the same way as COVID-19 with all the lockdowns, etc.?" and then the governments and airlines, etc. might have to start spending money to do something about it.

We saw what happened with the flu here in Australia last year (almost non existent) and I'm expecting the same this year. At least that's ONE good thing to come from all the COVID-19 lockdowns, etc. - a lot less flu deaths which we have always accepted every year without a fuss. Let's hope that things will change regarding suppressing the yearly flu after COVID-19 (hopefully) is brought under control worldwide.

Let's hope that things will change regarding suppressing the yearly flu after COVID-19 (hopefully) is brought under control worldwide.

Cannot see that happening, as soon as the rules are loosened everyone goes back to normal behaviour.

Lock downs distancing and masks are 100 X more effective against the flu and even the common cold but people will not do it without covid as an excuse.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Victoria - Covid is back.
Reply #44 - Feb 4th, 2021 at 5:31am
oh dear,

for the 50th time

in the words of nobel laureaate professor ian fraser (inventor of the gardisil vaccine)

"Coronavirus in humans come always from animals to start with," he said. "SARS and MERS came from defined animals and this will have come from an animal as well. Probably a bat but we don't know for certain."

He urged people not to panic.

"We have to minimise the chances of the virus spreading quickly but accept that it is probably going to spread through the community in its entirety."

"The epidemic will probably run its course in a year or two. All the modelling suggests that's what will happen."

"it will then probably remain as a feature of winter outbreaks, much like viral influenza "

its inevitable that it will spread
we shouldnt panic

we should ensure our hospitals are not over run.

they arent.
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