John Smith wrote on Jan 2
nd, 2021 at 10:19am:
The_Barnacle wrote on Jan 2
nd, 2021 at 9:29am:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 2
nd, 2021 at 9:19am:
Latest news ABC 24
10 new Covid cases detected in Victoria overnight -
all traced back to NSW.
Are we headed for more dirty Dan lockdowns?
You can blame Gladys and her incompetent handling of the NSW outbreak
It certainly is gladys' fault. And it will get worse. She allowed it to spread knowing the risks just because she thought it was politically convenient.
Also I have to wonder what she is covering up. NSW has apparently some of the best covid tracing in the country and yet they're unable to find patient zero after 3 weeks of searching? I'm calling bullshit. I suspect that patient zero is another NSW govt. screw up and she doesn't want to admit it.
this is an aerosol spread respiratory virus where it can be spread by people who dont know they have it.
and new strains are increasing in infectivity.
it is unstoppable.
the vaccine may help but 2 things.
1 the pfizer vaccine probably reduces the individuals symptoms BUT may not stop them being a spreader. so you will actually get MORE assymptomatic spread.
2. the SECOND dose of the vaccine from pfizer caused 1 in 6 people to have nasty side effects. temperatures of over 39 degrees, headaches, muscles aches,
symptoms severe enough to land them in bed for 48 hrs.
the frail elderly people probably wont appreciate a raging temperature.
this vaccine will result in deaths and then the politicians will be well and truly wedged.
eventually, probably towards the end of this year , people will just come to accept that covid is the new norm and that no politician can hold back the tide.
not daniel, not galdys, not anastasia.
and they were lying to pretend they could