The contradiction between “Allahu akbar” and “La illaha illallah” (There is no god but Allah)
Apr 9, 2020
By Anjuli Pandavar
“Allahu akbar” means “Allah is greater,” i.e., greater than your god. This is shirk at the very heart of Islam. It directly contradicts, “There is no god, but Allah.”If there is no god, but Allah, then who is the god that Allah is greater than? For Allah to be greater than another god, there has to be another god besides Allah. This is what Islam itself says, when it claims, “Allahu akbar.”
Claiming both “Allahu akbar” and “La illaha illallah,” makes Islam shirk, i.e., hudud, sin against god. Islam itself commits its own worst possible sin. I invite Muslims to take this point to their sheikh, ‘alim, mullah, imam, mufti, etc. Best not mention that you’ve heard it from a murtadd, because that would give them the perfect excuse to avoid answering the question, and instead turn on you for reading a murtadd in the first place.
If a Muslim is serious about being Muslim, and can think for themselves, the shirk at the heart of Islam would be a more important reason for leaving this religion immediately, than any other reason on the ever-growing list.
Let’s consider where the list of reasons for leaving Islam is up to today:
Islam’s insistence that the worst Muslim is better than the best non-Muslim
The unspeakable cruelty that Islam engenders in Muslims, even towards their own loved ones
Violence being everywhere in Islam
Islam’s insistence that obvious falsehoods are true
Islam’s insistence that Muslims accept without question obvious falsehoods as truth
Islam’s denying the personhood of women
Islam’s imperative to violently subjugate the entire world to itself
The impossibility of a Muslim ever taking a non-Muslim as equal while remaining true to Islam
Islam’s expectation on Muslims that they do as Muslims do, even if it is incredibly unwise, unethical or dangerous, and to hold in contempt that which non-Muslims do instead (Muslim response to the current CoVID-19 pandemic being both a bizarre and a tragic example of this)
Islam’s intellectual stunting of Muslims, even those who are very clever by Muslim standards
Islam’s permanently restricting the ethics of Muslims to that of the Arabian desert barbarians of late antiquity
The Islamic right to murder one’s children and grandchildren
Islam’s insistence that the basest behaviours are virtues
Islam’s insistence that Muslims follow the example of a man who, were he alive today, would be permanently confined to the secure ward of a mental hospital
Islam’s obliteration of all cultures it encounters and supplanting them with seventh-century Arabian desert culture
Islam’s propensity for turning decent, civilised people into sociopathic monsters
Islam’s supremacism (far, far worse than white supremacism)
Islam’s encouragement of paedophilia
Islam’s condoning of slavery
Islam’s making women lesser than men
Islam’s historic track record that it can only regress civilisation
Islam’s historic track record that it can only regress ethics
The pitiful ignorance of Muslims around the world
The tragedy that is Muslim cognition
Islam’s non-recognition of rape
Islam’s assertion that the Qur’an and the life of Muhammad are all that Muslims will ever need
Islam’s reducing the emotional complexity of humans to nothing more than love, hate and lust (by men only)
Islam’s command to Muslims to love only Allah and his messenger (all other love can only be through the love of Allah)
Islam’s command to Muslims to hate all things non-Muslim
Islam’s reducing all non-Muslims to Untermenschen
Islam’s advocating genocide of the Jews
The non-negotiability of Islam’s doctrines and tenets
Islam’s command that anyone who leaves Islam must be killed
Islam’s commandments fundamentally contradicting that which makes us human, leaving every Muslim with only two choices: be a hypocrite or be a monster
Of course, this list is far from exhaustive…
O Muslim, if “your iman is strong,” (meaning you insist on ignoring the mountain of evidence that surrounds you and have turned your heart to stone) and none of this fazes you, how do you reconcile yourself to Islam’s built-in shirk? Do you believe La illaha illallah to be untrue? Allahu akbar says it is. Or is Allahu akbar untrue? La illaha illallah says it is. Is your iman more important than avoiding shirk? How much more of this are you going to make yourself take?