Gnads wrote on Jan 14
th, 2021 at 7:15am:
aquascoot wrote on Jan 12
th, 2021 at 2:24pm:
I was talking to a phillipino whose family still live in the Philippines.
No one is concerned about covid and it hasn't increased deaths to any extent.
Because phillipino s are all skinny and they don't have a health system like the west that keeps 85 Yos with diabetes and heart disease alive to " linger"
So this rather weak virus has little effect.
It is the west that has gone against nature , telling morbidly obese people with garbage health they are entitled to gold standard health care forever.
They never should have been told that.
The very old and chronically diseased should not be in ICU .
iICU is for a young person involved in a car accident or who nearly drowns or a newborn baby where they can live a long healthy life.
No 85 yo with several diseases has any prospect of doing that.
We are expecting medicine to do much more than it was ever intended to do
I hope one of your kids have to wheel you out to the back paddock & put you down with a shot behind the ear.
An appalling attitude.
the appalling attitude is actually the one being displayed by the elderly who , having lived their lives, now expect young people to go without friends, school, social life and jobs for periods that will approach 2 years, just because they wont take personal responibility fior themselves.
if you are old or have lots of health issues ISOLATE YOURSELF .
dont tell LIES to young people that covid is going to kill them.
let them have a decent life, not the life of a hermit, hidden away so that YOU can be kept safe.
it isnt safe for THEM to spend YEARS in these APPALLING mental health conditions, being fear mongered to by the authorities when CLEARLY COVID POSES A TINY TINY THREAT TO THEM.
if i was that selfish that i expected my children and grandchildren to be terrified and abused just to keep me safe, i would BEG THEM to take me out the back paddock and dispose of me