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ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day' (Read 7063 times)
Super Nova
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #30 - Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:49pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:42pm:
Super Nova wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:15pm:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:10pm:
Inevitability Day? Stay off the sauce - that's my forte....  jeez - Lucky Day it wasn't the Dutch, French or Belgians or Germans.....

Or the Chinese or Japanese. They are lucky it was the Britsh.

Neither the Chinese or the Japanese were expansionist like the British (oops, sorry, like the "Britsh") were.   No one was as expansionist as the British were.   The Indigenous Australians weren't lucky, they were just fortunate there were so few of them that the British ignored them for the most part.  One only has to look at the sorry history of British colonisation of India to see what happens when the natives are noticed...  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

I think it was inevitable that Australia would be colonized by an external power.

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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #31 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 12:20am
There were so few of them?  In such a wonderful and progressive society of one giant barbecue amongst friends in the Outback that Whartey ruined for them all?

Why was that exactly - this 'so few of them that they were ignored'?  Did life kill them off?  According to the accepted wisdom, they had an idyllic lifestyle until Whartey wrecked it for them.... so why were there so few of them?  Even the Learned Sheilas Black who pontificate on their destruction claim that Whartey caused it all.... and yet they were so few in number and now they are prosperous?

They're a tough lot, you know - there are now a higher percentage of people claiming Aboriginality in Tasmania than on the mainland.... God's Own Truth .... and they were all wiped out 174 years ago!  That's how Resilient™ they are!!

Wannabe an Aborigine!!
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― John Adams
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Super Nova
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #32 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 12:35am
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 26th, 2021 at 12:20am:
Wannabe an Aborigine!!

I have a second cousin hillbilly that married a 1/16 Aborigine (or was it 1/8) and now she has the superbludger lifestyle enjoying the extra benefits.

Before they got married she discussed how great this will be. A successful wannabe Aborigine breeding more to join the benefits queue. What's not to like.

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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #33 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 6:25am
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:42pm:
Super Nova wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:15pm:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:10pm:
Inevitability Day? Stay off the sauce - that's my forte....  jeez - Lucky Day it wasn't the Dutch, French or Belgians or Germans.....

Or the Chinese or Japanese. They are lucky it was the Britsh.

Neither the Chinese or the Japanese were expansionist like the British (oops, sorry, like the "Britsh") were.   No one was as expansionist as the British were.   The Indigenous Australians weren't lucky, they were just fortunate there were so few of them that the British ignored them for the most part.  One only has to look at the sorry history of British colonisation of India to see what happens when the natives are noticed...  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

What you say here, is true. However, it reads as if you exonerate the Chinese and Japanese of their nastiness.
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The Heartless Felon
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #34 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 6:37am
Super Nova wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:13pm:
"Free Food and Booze Day" is a day for us to say "thank you" to those white people who came and saved us from a nomadic and dangerous existence, introduced us to booze (a gateway to dreamtime) and a way of life where we no longer have to do anything to survive.

Life was tough before, now we have all the essentials for life provided to us with no effort required from us.

Thank you Altjira for making Dream time an everyday event by bringing the white guys to save us day.

Not all beer and skittles, Super. As the person previously known as Lois O'Donohue told us, domestic violence was unknown before the 'invasion'.
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Mr Hammer
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #35 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 7:09am
The Heartless Felon wrote on Jan 26th, 2021 at 6:37am:
Super Nova wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:13pm:
"Free Food and Booze Day" is a day for us to say "thank you" to those white people who came and saved us from a nomadic and dangerous existence, introduced us to booze (a gateway to dreamtime) and a way of life where we no longer have to do anything to survive.

Life was tough before, now we have all the essentials for life provided to us with no effort required from us.

Thank you Altjira for making Dream time an everyday event by bringing the white guys to save us day.

Not all beer and skittles, Super. As the person previously known as Lois O'Donohue told us, domestic violence was unknown before the 'invasion'.

Now that's what I call, rubbish.
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #36 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 7:21am
John Smith wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 7:05pm:
ohh, the diddums are upset again are they? Roll Eyes

You should get the priorities right as the author of this letter suggests instead of supporting divisive bs.

Jacinta Price says-
"I want to share this letter sent to me by a woman I regard as a sister. She is a true survivor and the kind of Aboriginal woman our leaders need to listen to, especially Greens Leader Di Natale!! Hear her words and please share her story!" –

Letter from Aboriginal survivor -

I’ve spent an hour trying to figure out how to start this letter and there’s no easy or good way to start it, I can’t pretty it up and I can’t be sensitive because I’m just so angry.

Over the last few days we have seen The Greens party cause a huge division between us, Indigenous pitted against Indigenous, Black against whites in what I can say is some of the most vile and racist hate speech I’ve ever seen, those defending the Greens have played right into their hands like the puppets you are, you think you’re smart but you’re not. Have you ever read the story of The Pied piper? The Greens are the piper and you’re the rats.

I see so much screaming and crying over the date, the 26th of January, the national day of Australia, Australia Day but not the correct date of the first fleet arriving, more fool you. So foolish to believe that the people crying for changing the date actually care about you? They don’t care about you! They care about division, widening the gap not closing it, a fool is easily parted from his family.

Not once! Not one time have I seen The Greens or labor speak out, not once have I seen you Indigenous cohorts speak out! Not once! You have never spoken out about stopping the violence, stopping the alcoholism, stopping the child abuse and sexual assault, no, you just want to talk about how “White man” has some how oppressed you. Oppressed you? Excuse you! Most of you leading the pack are well educated, had opportunities some of us only dare dreamed about, you manipulate the mobs, especially the ones less educated or fortunate for your own selfish white hating reasons! Shame on you! Shame shame shame!

I grew up in a violent alcohol fuelled family filled with some of the most abhorrent acts committed upon my mother, upon myself. My childhood wasn’t living, it was surviving from one day to the next. I don’t remember a great Christmas, a birthday that didn’t turn violent a night where I didn’t hide under my blankets hoping that he wouldn’t come into my room. That leads me to ask where were you?

When I was 6 years old, yes SIX, I had my first nervous breakdown, I couldn’t take it anymore and my mind and body gave up, my soul withered and I was but a shell of my former self, but where were you? Were you speaking up for me? Were you there to stop the real oppression the real danger to my life? A lot of you were children yourself but where were the older ones? The mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles? The politicians? The outstretched hand? No you weren’t there!

Where were you when I watched my mother get raped and bashed until you couldn’t recognise who she was? Where were you when he held us all hostage and tried to cut our throats? Where were you when I faced an onslaught of sexual abuse? Where were you when he chased us down and tried bashing my mothers head in with a bullroarer? Where were you when almost every night in my house something violent happened? Where were you when he’d sneak into my room like a thief in the night to steal my childhood? Where were you the first time I tried to kill myself aged 9? There’s so much more and it would take me a week to write it down, but where were you? You weren’t there and you still aren’t there! Luckily for me my grandmother was there, eventually my mother threw me away when I was sexually assaulted yet once again, this time by an “uncle” there was more than one offender that hurt me, I lost count, now that’s sad. Can you change all the dates I was hurt?

You cry and you scream about changing the date while there are children like me, little boys and girls living the same life I did as a child, living in constant fear of violence and sexual abuse. No, white man didn’t oppress me, white man didn’t commit those repulsive abhorrent acts, white man failed me in the way that he failed to take me and my brother away from my mother. But we mustn’t talk about the real issues effecting the indigenous community to this day! To this very day! Is it racist to speak out? NO! You professional victims cry about a date while real victims suffer horrors only seen in nightmares or in a movie, no, that’s not accurate, the greatest horror writer on the planet would cringe if he heard my story, the story of children still suffering today.

You say it’s “racist” to even speak of these issues, it’s not racism, it’s realism. I have no time for you and your virtue signalling change the date crap. Your voice is only loud when you want to play the victim. My grandmother an indigenous elder tried so hard to take me off my mother when I was a baby, but no, the authorities wouldn’t do that as it would be racist so they left me to suffer but I didn’t let that stop me, I didn’t let the abuse and poverty get in my way. Yes I did become an alcoholic when I was 13 it was easy to deal with the pain, then one day I woke up, I was 16
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« Last Edit: Jan 26th, 2021 at 7:30am by Gnads »  

"When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid." ~ Ricky Gervais
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #37 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 7:31am
cont -

- I was 16 I decided I was not going to let the past destroy my future, I swore to myself I would never turn out like my mother, but I did, for 3 brutal years I did, for 3 brutal years I’d send my babies away out of danger so it was only me, was it racism that drove the police and DOCS to threaten to take my babies if I didn’t leave? Was it racism that saw them drag him away so the kids and I could pack and flee? No, that was humanity, that was addressing the issue, racism didn’t play a part, they didn’t see colour, they seen violence and terror the only difference is there was no grog, no drugs, he did it because he enjoyed it.

So while you’re sitting there with your privilege screaming about changing the date, I’ll be sitting here with no privilege except for what I’ve given to myself and I’ll be speaking out about the real issues and fighting for justice for myself and for every other child that is a mirror of me. Personally I’ll keep the date, some of the good memories I have is from that date, you see I spent most Australia Days with my nan, she would have BBQ’s where family and friends would get together and play cricket and laugh, us kids would play and play, I never wanted those days to end. My nan always taught me that it was about unity not division, she taught me not to hate, she told me stories of old passed down and from her own memories, she taught me not to hate the people of today for the sins of yesterday, my nan was all about love and without her I wouldn’t be the strong proud woman I am today. On Australia Day, celebrate don’t hate.

That’s all I have to say, I’m getting too upset, the memories of the past never fade to a living victim, a real victim, but we go on, stronger louder and prouder.
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"When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid." ~ Ricky Gervais
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #38 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 7:38am
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:36pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 5:36pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 5:27pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 2:53pm:
Ita Buttrose is a hypocrite.
She should have made the ABC fair and unbiased -
not a left wing, finger pointing, virtue signalling, propaganda site.

Perhaps they should just sell it to Murdoch?  He'd know what to do with it.  You'd love what you see then, hey, Bobby?  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

No - just put someone in charge who is fair and unbiased.

And who would that be, Bobby?  You?  You're hardly unbiased.  Few people are.  The ABC is doing a good job, holding a mirror up to Australian society and if you don't like the image that you see, well, who's to blame, hey?  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Bullschit, ABC holds a mirror up to the screeching autistic inner city lefties from Darlinghurst and Balmain and Newtown.
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #39 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 7:41am
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:42pm:
Super Nova wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:15pm:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:10pm:
Inevitability Day? Stay off the sauce - that's my forte....  jeez - Lucky Day it wasn't the Dutch, French or Belgians or Germans.....

Or the Chinese or Japanese. They are lucky it was the Britsh.

Neither the Chinese or the Japanese were expansionist like the British (oops, sorry, like the "Britsh") were.   No one was as expansionist as the British were.   The Indigenous Australians weren't lucky, they were just fortunate there were so few of them that the British ignored them for the most part.  One only has to look at the sorry history of British colonisation of India to see what happens when the natives are noticed...  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Your history is exclusive to just one era?

There were empire expansionists throughout human history....

and it wasn't exclusive to the British & those that came before were far more ruthless.

I think you'll find that the Chinese have become very expansionist now.
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"When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid." ~ Ricky Gervais
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #40 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 7:42am
Super Nova wrote on Jan 26th, 2021 at 12:35am:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 26th, 2021 at 12:20am:
Wannabe an Aborigine!!

I have a second cousin hillbilly that married a 1/16 Aborigine (or was it 1/8) and now she has the superbludger lifestyle enjoying the extra benefits.

Before they got married she discussed how great this will be. A successful wannabe Aborigine breeding more to join the benefits queue. What's not to like.

One Nation NSW has proposed to abolish self-identification and introduce a “new system” relying on DNA ancestry testing with a result requiring a finding of at least 25 per cent "Indigenous" before First Nations identification is accepted.Mar 11, 2019

not a bad idea..
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #41 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 7:47am
The Heartless Felon wrote on Jan 26th, 2021 at 6:37am:
Super Nova wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:13pm:
"Free Food and Booze Day" is a day for us to say "thank you" to those white people who came and saved us from a nomadic and dangerous existence, introduced us to booze (a gateway to dreamtime) and a way of life where we no longer have to do anything to survive.

Life was tough before, now we have all the essentials for life provided to us with no effort required from us.

Thank you Altjira for making Dream time an everyday event by bringing the white guys to save us day.

Not all beer and skittles, Super. As the person previously known as Lois O'Donohue told us, domestic violence was unknown before the 'invasion'.

How on earth does she know that?
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"When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid." ~ Ricky Gervais
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #42 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 7:52am
Gnads wrote on Jan 26th, 2021 at 7:41am:
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:42pm:
Super Nova wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:15pm:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:10pm:
Inevitability Day? Stay off the sauce - that's my forte....  jeez - Lucky Day it wasn't the Dutch, French or Belgians or Germans.....

Or the Chinese or Japanese. They are lucky it was the Britsh.

Neither the Chinese or the Japanese were expansionist like the British (oops, sorry, like the "Britsh") were.   No one was as expansionist as the British were.   The Indigenous Australians weren't lucky, they were just fortunate there were so few of them that the British ignored them for the most part.  One only has to look at the sorry history of British colonisation of India to see what happens when the natives are noticed...  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Your history is exclusive to just one era?

There were empire expansionists throughout human history....

and it wasn't exclusive to the British & those that came before were far more ruthless.

all those degrees  and not one mentions the PORUGUESE....tsk tsk bri bri...  your slipping. to busy concentrating on spell issues... Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

50 countries
Portugal's Empire Spanned the Planet
Its former possessions are now across 50 countries around the world. The Portuguese created colonies for numerous reasons: To trade for spices, gold, agricultural products, and other resources.

quite a few countries have Portuguese as their first language...STILL bri bri   all over the planet
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #43 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 7:55am
The Heartless Felon wrote on Jan 26th, 2021 at 6:37am:
Super Nova wrote on Jan 25th, 2021 at 11:13pm:
"Free Food and Booze Day" is a day for us to say "thank you" to those white people who came and saved us from a nomadic and dangerous existence, introduced us to booze (a gateway to dreamtime) and a way of life where we no longer have to do anything to survive.

Life was tough before, now we have all the essentials for life provided to us with no effort required from us.

Thank you Altjira for making Dream time an everyday event by bringing the white guys to save us day.

Not all beer and skittles, Super. As the person previously known as Lois O'Donohue told us, domestic violence was unknown before the 'invasion'.

I would be more inclined to thinks IT WASNT TALKED ABOUT FROM TRIBE TO TRIBE....

you see!    who knew what D>V was in those days.... Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: ABC officially calls it 'Invasion Day'
Reply #44 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 8:27am
Seriously triggered. What a laugh!
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If you can't be a good example, you have to be a horrible warning.
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