John Smith wrote on Jan 29
th, 2021 at 12:39pm:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 29
th, 2021 at 12:10pm:
Minorities must never be permitted to CONTROL discussion of issues that affect all of society
like you do? Turn every topic, no matter what it's about, into another discussion about how you're a victim of womens rights
Ah - so in the limited and paranoid world of Smith any contribution to the discussion is now 'controlling it'.... when do I shout everyone down and force them to not speak up, say, like yer fem'nists do whenever the real issues come up, such as the real gender wage gap, killings of children by women, and so forth?
Anyone, in the Smith mind, who speaks AGAINST the holy gospel of feminist supremacism is a nasty, eh?
Jeez - I hope you have no sons, son.... imagine being a REAL man and being told that bringing up REAL issues means you are citing yourself as a victim of something - regardless of the reality that it affects ALL men - nd that somehow that means you are a 'loser'.
You don't know me at all... never will...
Now - on those issues - got anything to contribute other than your usual personal slagging?
What are your views on the real calculated gender wage gap, the vast majority killings and bashings by Koons that all are supposed to wear etc? You don't think we should discuss any of these issues on the basis of fact? Or do you prefer to play the emotion card in isolation?
'poor little women', 'poor little Abos', 'poor little WOPs'.... all victims of those big hairy Old White Men.... that's your sole card, so ... get a new deck...