Bobby. wrote on Feb 22
nd, 2021 at 5:30pm:
now now bobby
fresh air and sunlight are FREE.
no profits for pfizer or astra zeneca in them.
staying indoors is hugely profitable for netflix, apple, facebook and the mainstream media
fear mongering politicians can get lots of votes by scaring the crap out of people and then offering themselves up as the solution.
and the chemicals being injected just represent $$$$ for the big pharma CEO's
they have their yachts and mistresses to pay for bobby !!!.
also what better way to help big businesses like Mcdonalds and Bunnings, then to allow them to stay open whilst you demolish their opposition.
remember bobby, you cant catch the virus at bunnings or kmart.
you can only catch it at a gym or a resturant.
in the end we have to trust our leaders.
they are the smart people.
look at this intelligent specimen