John Smith wrote on Feb 9
th, 2021 at 7:42pm:
Bobby. wrote on Feb 9
th, 2021 at 6:37pm:
Truthful, honest, well meaning videos are being deleted.
How dare YouTube do that.
they're deleting videos that AREN'T truthful, honest and well meaning you idiot
the big tech companies are enormously profitable.
they have struck a deal with the left.
we will run pure leftist ideology on your behalf and you wont come after us with higher taxes.
smart move by zuckerburg, the guys at google, bezos, dorsey.
suck up to the left and de platform conservatives and they get to keep all that cash.
biden wont tax them and they get to have their yachts and mistresses and champagne
they might even invite Jo for a pleasure cruise.
he can sniff as much hair as he likes and Dr Jill can give out sea sickness tablets