I’m the virus expert cited by MP Craig Kelly. Vaccines are critical, but he’s not all wrong
I do not know Craig Kelly. There is much he has said that I disagree with, but on the matter of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, he has been right to raise awareness about these drugs and their potential to be effective in the early treatment of the disease.
Ivermectin (IVM) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) have been used as antimicrobials for half a century with impeccable safety records. They prevent virus assemblage within infected cells and inhibit the inflammatory response. COVID-19 is a two phase disease, with the initial “viral phase” followed by severe life-threatening inflammatory disease requiring hospitalisation. Antivirals only work on the early viral phase (as with shingles, influenza and herpes infections).
Poorly constructed studies of the anti-viral HCQ on hospitalised COVID-19 patients mistakenly led to the drug being categorised as a “failed” therapy. That misunderstanding continues to dominate many official sites, despite there being at least 27 clinical studies in early disease – 10 of which were randomised clinical trials – showing a composite level of 63 per cent protection against admission to hospital and/or death. Similar data supported use in prevention of infection (as it did for malaria).IVM came later, and avoided much of the political noise, but again was missed by many authorities. More than 30 studies have led to impressive meta-analyses, most recently by Therese Lawrie, an epidemiologist.
Data from 17 studies showing a reduction of death by 83 per cent was so dramatic that she concluded it was now unethical to include untreated patients as controls.
Both drugs are used extensively in many countries, with dramatic reductions in COVID-19 deaths.
All studies have faults, but we are faced with an horrific pandemic, with few options for early treatment.
Robert Clancy is an immunologist and emeritus professor at the University of Newcastle’s School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy.