Gordon wrote on Feb 10
th, 2021 at 9:08pm:
Good record this bloke has, wondering about his female relatives clits, nips, periods.
Banana-fingers Haji Gordon spends his life fantasizing about the fantasies of others.
Banana-fingers Haji Gordon has slipped a flea into FleaDriver's ear.
Do all social deviants like Banana-fingers Haji Gordon dream and fantasize about the sexual fantasies of others.
Do all social deviants like Banana-fingers Haji Gordon have a life of their own or do they have to live vicariously through the lives of others.
Do all social deviants like Banana-fingers Haji Gordon have enlarged nostrils?
Do all social deviants like Banana-fingers Haji Gordon engorge touch screens into their nostrils to induce sexual fantasies?
UnsubRocky is not the only person with a rat problem.
Banana-fingers Haji Gordon has anointed FleaDriver as his rat.