Bertie wrote on Jul 6
th, 2021 at 5:26pm:
Well, I am not buying your way of looking at individuals or governments. Yours is a way of seeing that is approved by the Chinese communist party but I do not approve of the CCP or its way of seeing things and conducting itself internally or externally.
China has even greater disparity than Australia between its super rich and its rural poor. The way the Chinese exploit EACH OTHER and others is eyewatering. The life of the mind under the CCP is straightjacketed. The idiotic propaganda blather must be suffocating.
On the contrary, many nations are now looking to understand how China has achieved the fastest rate of poverty reduction in history. [Hint: it's a combination of free-market and state-planning principles]. resulting in high rates of satisfaction with government in China, cf increasing polarization in Western democracies (although in Oz the choice is between tweedle-dum and treedlr-dee; both parties are useless, unable to close the disgraceful "aboriginal gap' nor entrenched poverty among other groups.
Quote:]Yes, the Western system enables its underminers and enemies to flourish within Western countries and to even get into the education system, state media and universities
Enemies? you mean people with ideas which could actually improve peoples' lives...but comfortable conservatives like yourself don't want to learn.
Quote:while communists like China and other totalitarians like Iran ruthlessly silence and kill their opponents. But free enquiry, free speech and free exchange of ideas is a supreme good.
Depends on the quality of the "free-speech". Iran is a deluded theocracy, China is not.
Quote:Far more important than material wealth and consumerism, which the Chinese seem to channel their energies into since they cannot channel it into anything else, such as the sweeter things of life a free mind discovers and pursues.
Science and art are as lively in China as in the West.
Quote:You can have all the Gucci and designer consumer goods the CCP makes available to the Chinese as long as they shut up and obey.
while you prefer a system in which entrenched poverty is accepted as normal
Quote:Not for me, no, thanks.
Well ok; and China is quite happy to leave you with your fake "freedom" delusions, China is not forcing its system onto anyone else outside of Chinese sovereignty, because China knows it will achieve - by 2049 - a prosperous socialist society you will be begging to emulate....