Dnarever wrote on Apr 26
th, 2021 at 8:45pm:
In his Nobel Prize lecture, Nordhaus described a 4°C increase in global average temperature as “optimal” — that is, the point at which the costs and benefits of mitigating climate change are balanced.
So Steve Keen disagrees but no mention of 3 billion.
"Nordhaus’s conclusions are based in part on the simple but wayward assumption that the weak relationship between temperature and GDP within the US today can be used to assume how future global temperature rises will affect the economy."
Much like the weak and wayward relationship between CO2 increase and Temperature.

Ah I see where he got his delusional post about decrease in temperatures and GDP.

"But given the distinct possibility that 2°C of warming could set off a cascade of “tipping points” that cause the planet to irreversibly heat to catastrophic temperatures, can we afford to play with fire?"
Absolute frogshit. There is no point at which we get "the planet to irreversibly heat to catastrophic temperatures". He is into Climate Seance not Science.
"But that adaptability has occurred in a remarkably stable climate where global temperatures have fluctuated by 1℃ below or above the average for the last 10,000 years."
About the same level as now.
Dnarever wrote on Apr 26
th, 2021 at 8:45pm:
Rockström doesn’t like our chances.
AH Rockström, Of the Climate Alarmist PIK.
"We’re looking at vast dead zones in the oceans as nutrients from fertiliser runoff combine with warmer waters to produce an explosion in algae that starve marine life of oxygen. This will be exacerbated by the acidity from dissolved CO2, which will cause a mass die-off, particularly of shellfish, plankton and coral. “We will have lost all the reefs decades before 2100 – at somewhere between 2C and 4C,” says Johan Rockström, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany."
He doesn't seem to know about the millions of tonnes of Calcium Carbonate in the ocean that buffers any CO2. And the bones of the dead

ead corals. dead people, dead whales the list goes on.
"Sea levels will be perhaps two metres higher and, more worryingly, we will be well on our way to an ice-free world, having passed the tipping points for the Greenland and west Antarctic ice sheets, committing us to at least 10 metres of sea-level rise in coming centuries."
Sea level Rise is about 3mm/ year. 80 years = 240 mm about 11inches.

"However, most rivers, especially in Asia, will flood more often, according to research by Richard Betts, head of climate impacts at the Met Office Hadley Centre, because the hotter atmosphere will produce more intense monsoons, violent storms and extreme rainfall. "
And yet that has shown no inkling of changing.
"Consequently, the current assessment is that there is low confidence regarding changes in monsoons at these lower global warming levels, as well as regarding differences in monsoon responses at 1.5°C versus 2°C." source IPCC AR5
"Some models predict that desert conditions will stretch from the Sahara right up through south and central Europe, drying rivers including the Danube and the Rhine"

So much crap in such a small space.