Brian Ross wrote on May 13
th, 2021 at 12:37pm:, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said. They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate. It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now? Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods. Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues. Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense. Tsk, tsk.
You are retarded aren't you?
Seriously, how does that twisted little mind of your even function you f#$knead.
I proved, with direct quotes from qualified archaeologists who have more credibility than Pascoe could get in his wildest dreams.
They all refuted the ridiculious claims and exaggerations that the liar Pascoe published in order to live a life of worthlessness as an abbo expert.
He has
Zero qualifications
Zero abbo blood
Zero credibility
Zero morals
And you my sick, twisted and obviously retarded little friend.
Still won't accept the TRUTH.
I'll bet, if Pascoe were to admit being a lying plagiarist today.
You, in your infinite stupidity, woukd still back the bull shite he published.
Wake up to yourself freak.
Get a life and for God's sake, try to get some intellegent thought in that twisted, decaying, atrophied little brain of yours.