Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14
th, 2021 at 3:04am:
Karnal wrote on May 13
th, 2021 at 8:17pm:
Valkie wrote on May 13
th, 2021 at 7:30pm:
Some indigenous peoples have brought many wonderful things to the world.
Not just a stick.
American natives had maize, popcorn and had many very effective farming practices.
They didn't just burn everything
That's why America was green
And Australia is mostly dead.
Ah, so now you're saying Boongs
did transform the landscape. Do you know what you are, dear?
You're a deconstructionist. From Boongs to Muzzos to agriculture to terrorism, your arguments inevitably unravel themselves. One just has to watch and wait.
Who's Matty?
That's not what 'deconstruction' means..... it means reducing an issue down to its basic components, analysing them, and then re-constructing them in your own image.....
It doesn't mean simple destruction..... that's a feminist and social science specialty...... destruction and bringing everything down to their intelligence level without any valid idea of how to re-build it ..... apart from giving themselves good incomes and such and feasting on the ruins ....
Who called the American Indians Boongs? YOU?
You Deconstructionist, you.... you devil....
Read your Derrida, dear. Inside every argument is its opposite. Matty exemplifies this perfectly.
Native Americans most certainly are
not Boongs, they're Injuns. I myself am no fan of globalised First Nations doctrine, as I have said.
Boongs are Boongs, Injuns are Injuns, Golliwogs, Jigaboos, etc, etc, etc. There is no one indigenous or
tinted subspecies, there are plenty.
Likewise, there is no one white colonist. Some were nice, some were complete bastards. Some even looked like Japs.