Jasin wrote on Apr 30
th, 2021 at 4:10pm:
Well Karnal. Asia and Africa are well known to being 'anti-white'. Hell, the Bantu Africans hack the limbs off Bantus who dare to look white (albinos). Remember, thanks to the Hindu Caste system and the West African Slave innovation - the Blacks started it all, but the Media just tells everyone that its the White Man's fault.
Aha. I think you're onto it, JaSin: the
real reason Matty posted stuff the tinted races made up to try to stay in Australia. Matty doesn't want them here at all, no? He finds them ever so offensive, just cant stand the sight of them.
Now, I'm curious, I'm keen to know more. Oh yes, send those who make krap up back to where they came from. Yes, don't give non-residents Centrelink benefits. Yes, don't let descendents of black sorcerers live amongst decent white people, etc, etc, etc.
But the government's already doing that, right? When Matty says the people in charge have lost the plot, he means granting the tinted races short-stay visas.
So, what we're
really discussing here is letting people in who look like the guy in the photo Gordon generously provided: cannibals, witch doctors, monkey-talking
So again, being curious, let's consider the implications. Australia bans all those from
tinted countries coming to Australia. This includes the Chows - better make that all of Asia, because you never can tell. Cannibals from PNG, Pacific Islanders, Asians, definitely Africans, Curries? Best to be on the safe side. African Americans? Of course - how can you tell them apart? South Americans? Depends on the
tint - no, too complicated, make it the lot. Arabs? That's a tough one - no, I'm joking, of course Arabs. Turks, Central Asians, the lot. Banned.
So there's three-quarters of the world. White Europeans, white Americans, white Russians and a few others - white South Africans, white New Zealanders. Let them come. The rest? Out.
Now here's where we always get stuck. What does our stupid woke government and idiot immigration department do when the rest of the world bans us? What do we do when they exclude us like they did to Apartheid South Africa?
We couldn't do any trade - no imports or exports. Our passports would be useless - no one would let us in. The nice white countries would all gang up on us and wouldn't let their tourists or students or sports teams come. The Chows wouldn't buy our coal or iron ore.
We'd be stuck down here with nothing to do and nowhere to go, so my question is this: what would we all do for fun?