So, being a very rude person, BO did not have the courtesy to responed here at OzPol where she made her offer, but rather at 'her' Forum. This is her response, with my comments in blue.
Quote:Sorry for the length of the post but so this doesn't get skewed from forum to forum until all semblance of the truth is lost I'll post it here.
How absurd can you get? How can what she posted be skewed any less if it is posted at her joint as opposed to here. Typical of her totally hollow passive aggression, 'excuses', and claims of victimhood.
Quote:Aussie keeps a long list of permanently banned PA members in his Relationshits sub-forum at OP whilst all the while agitating that he be unbanned here merely because he is an 'original'.
A blatant lie. I have not 'all the while' been 'agitating that I be unbanned' at all. Her offer to me came totally out of the blue and completely unsolicited.
Quote:So I extended a deal that if he unbanned them I would unban him here. It was a simple yes or no deal. He disappeared then came back with conditions on how this 'deal' should play out in his favour and said he would accept the conditions as 'he understood them'.
More blatant lies. Why why why with all the lies? I guess she has to lie to sugar coat what she has done over the years.
Her offer was not framed in 'yes/no' terms and I did not disappear. That she commented that I had suggests she believes that I hang around here at OzPol at her leisure and pleasure. Bugger off BO. I have things to do and least of all is to be at your beck and call. Such presumption on your part is typical of your ego.
It is outrageous but also typical that she again lies about me coming back with conditions to suit myself. The truth is I asked her to make clear precisely what she was offering. She never responded.
Quote:It was a simple and straightforward unban them and I'll unban you deal, nothing more and nothing less, and nothing more to read into it or understand.
Why why why why post such obvious and provable lies? Does she believe no-one can read? She also demanded that I agree never to delete any posts, and something about "No new manipulative rules." Here is what she offered:
Take Nef, AiA, SN, NOIQ and everyone else off your extensive ban list and allow them back into Relationships. No deletions of posts. No new manipulative rules. You just throw open your doors and show us all how benevolent and fair you are, that you aren't talking out of one side of your mouth and that you, yourself, can do what you advise others to do.Do that and I'll let you back into PA. That's fair. Quote:and I don't believe you should be demanding of others that which you refuse to do yourself. I'm not going to engage in page after page of inquisitions and manipulative games so the deal is off the table. I'm not interested in disingenuous games.
Bullshit. All I asked was clarification and that was in just one sentence...not pages and pages of inquisitions, disingenuous games etc. Yet again, BO tries to portray that she is some sort of victim to imagined pages and pages of what would amount, she would say, to bullying and harassment. Bloody liar.
Quote:The harassment, abuse, accusations and outright lies I have had to endure from Monk these past few weeks is untenable. All this hate and ugliness over control of a tiny insignificant little forum. It's unbelievable and, in my mind, it's absolutely and literally insane.
WTF that has to so with me is beyond me, but it is yet again an illustration of BO playing the poor me victim card. Rubbish. Look at the over the top rhetoric...quite deliberate to create an image of desperate alarm from a distressed maiden.... 'endure, hate, ugliness, unbelievable, literally insane.' Sheer melodramatic contrived garbage posted for sympathy.
Quote:So, any changes to be made to PA will be up to the new EL. I'll not be going back on my manifesto nor will I be extending anymore deals.
More on that in my next Post. The most arrogant hypocrisy is exposed.