Quote:lucky you you saw the item or he told you the details.....all I have heard is him claiming he was doxxed no post no details no anything why on earth do you care about something unseen ?
It is still there for you to see it cods. The reason you don't recognise it is because I have not identified exactly where to find it. To do so would default the purpose.
Quote:I find under the circumstances where by! he all but claims nef should be punished for it... Roll Eyes Roll Eyes... which you dont seem to mind......
no one has accused you of calling her a paedophile stop deflecting..
I am not saying she is a paedophile...I am simply using that as an analogy.
If a convicted paedophile emerges from prison having served their time, and after having entered a neighbourhood, complaints of paedophile activity emerge, it is hardly surprising that the locals point the finger at the proven paedo. Neferti is an unrepentant gloating doxxer who has served the time FD gave her. Since her 'release,' the doxxing has continued. It is either her, or an arsehole
using the information she posted as part of her disgraceful activity. She fenced it around, and she cannot deny it.
Quote:if you want sympathy then you show me the facts....if you think after all this time I am taking aussies word for anything you will be disappointed...you believe what you like pet but dont expect me too follow you.
Noone gives a flying fuq about your sympathy. What pisses me off is your continued excuses for her conduct, that combined with posts on the issue which are blindingly absurd. Worse, you don't show any evidence of criticism of the appropriate kind that she also doxxed Members of my family and even close friends.


It's about time you did take what I say as truth as not once have you ever shown that I have lied. All you do is repeat garbage fed to you by arseholes, including doxxers.
I would rather rely on arseholes than a person of your caliber .. LIAR LIAR PANTS OF FIRE...we even show you proof of your lies and still you deny...if you told me it was raining outside I would have to check for myself..