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Cant find racists, just manufacture them (Read 3310 times)
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #15 - May 25th, 2021 at 6:38pm
aquascoot wrote on May 25th, 2021 at 6:08pm:
Karnal wrote on May 25th, 2021 at 6:01pm:
aquascoot wrote on May 25th, 2021 at 5:57pm:
stunt , i said.

the reprehensible leftie feels 'sorry" for the "victim" and his "hurt feelings"
this makes the victim weak .
it infantalises him.

the noble rightie tells him "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"
he tells the victim to drop the victim BS and use the hurt feelings as motivation to bounce out of bed and compete and triumph.
this dignifies him
it gives him a path forward to glory.

That's true. I said just this to the old boy.

Stop being such a girl, I said. Stop crying. Get back on the horse.

I shat on his face for good measure.

It always hurts me more than it hurts them, you know. Spare the stool and spoil the child, no?

youre a bit fixated on feaces karnal but thats the basic message.

in life you will be continually challenged (actually YOU WANT to be continually challenged) and then you can rise to the challenge and you move up.

or you become a little punk ass victim cry baby and then you move down.

there are no other options.

people who dont seek out challenges have no prospect for growth.

a bully or a hater...they are your best friend
they are doing you a favour.

we suffer from a scarcity of adversity nowdays and it makes people weak.

embrace the haters
love the grind
love it when its hard.

its not what you want at the time but its what is good for you and that is way way way more important

I could not agree more. Shurely shome mishtake, he said. Wash your mouth out, I said. What are you? Inbred? Retarded? Tinted?

I won't take any nonsense from an NESBer, you know. They flew here, we grew here.
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Brian Ross
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #16 - May 25th, 2021 at 11:18pm
cods wrote on May 25th, 2021 at 6:15pm:
[quote author=Brian_Ross link=1621897097/7#7 date=1621928382][quote author=cods link=1621897097/2#2 date=1621897636]I dont even know what real racism is calling is childish and I ask you, how do you stop it???..
segregation is racist!  as far as I know we have never had that here.. what are they talking about if you are pointing the finger at us  spell it out.....dont be shy! Angry Angry

Queensland was the home of segregation in Australia, Cods.  Indigenous people were limited as to where they could live, what jobs they could work and who they could marry.  Indeed, South Africa came to Queensland to learn how to make their Pass Laws work.   

news to me...and yet aboriginals still live and thrive there..

And why wouldn't they, Cods?  The point is, segregation existed in Australia - something appeared ignorant of.  What does that suggest about your knowledge of Australian history and it's race relations? Roll Eyes

Thankfully, that is all dead and it appears buried if your claims are correct.  Name calling is childish but it is what people like Matty excel at.  They are trolls hiding in their basement bashing out what they think is thoughtful posts but are really only designed to incite peoples' tempers.


Well the first thing is of course education.  Something the Right appears to fear.  They hate being taught the truth about settlement.  I wonder why?

Oh, and please stop shouting.  I am treating your concerns with due regard.  Why don't you consider mine?

Australia has a problem with Racism.  Most Australians would be willing to tell a Racist joke and laugh about it, rather than face the reality they are furthering the cause of Racism.  Australia's problem was once remarked to me by an Englishman I was working with as "a casual relationship."  All too often the concepts, the remarks are that, casual but they still hurt.  Asian, African, Indigenous Australians for example can all too often relate about how their feelings have been hurt by casual remarks.  You have idiots like the Bolter decreeing that some people are "too white to be Aboriginal".  Gee, if it was only skin colour which determined if a person was Indigenous.  Peoples' attitudes are determined by many things, not just skin colour unfortunately.  Look at Bobby with his senseless attacks on innocent Africans living in Australia.  Look at Matty's senseless trolls about Muslims.  Tsk, tsk.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

how do you stop it...


Putin is no "mate" of mine.  Your attempts to bait and troll fall flat as per usual, Cods.  Please stop them.

I am indeed talking about Peoples' minds.  Education is the key.  I note that Australian attitudes towards many different ethnicities, "races" and cultures have changed as they become more and more familiar with them.  One day, perhaps Racists will become extinct.  Who knows?

You often complain if someone calls you a "Pom". Cods. Why? Do you consider yourself Australian?  I would hope so.  Which is why I rarely use that term with you.  Occasionally I might liken you to a drunken housewife but that is only when you've said something particularly stupid.  I don't make excuses for it. It is just part of my "casual" viewpoint.  Would you like me to stop?  You appear rather unwilling to consider other's feelings.  I wonder why?   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #17 - May 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm
"segregation existed"

Now move on..... you can't go on arguing ancient history as if it now applies...

Racism is another of those much abused words - it has now become a word that only applies to certain groups and avoids all others with their often blatant racism.
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #18 - May 26th, 2021 at 2:36am
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 25th, 2021 at 11:27pm:
"segregation existed"

Now move on..... you can't go on arguing ancient history as if it now applies...

Racism is another of those much abused words - it has now become a word that only applies to certain groups and avoids all others with their often blatant racism.

The thing you lot fail to grasp through all of your whinges about being the victims of racism is that racism is at is most destructive when it used to punch down, not up.

You don't like being called names? You don't like being lumped into categories you don't feel represent you?

Right, now imagine that when you are underrepresented, a minority and without any real power. And when a good number of the populace talk about you like you lot talk about minorities on here.

Just try to imagine.
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If you can't be a good example, you have to be a horrible warning.
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #19 - May 26th, 2021 at 7:08am
a.  never said we nice guys were 'victims' of racism - we scorn such nonsensities from lesser beings... any idiot can have his/her say - they simply do not have the right to impose.

b.  'punch down' - you mean when an Aboriginal wants to physically assault you for discussing their propensity to physical assault?  Or a group will march in the streets with placards demanding stuff and will assault anyone with an opposing view they come across?  Or when a group assembles for a 'take back the night' protest and the cops advise a man innocent bystander on his way to the club not to go near since he'll be assaulted?

Just exactly who is 'punching down' anyone these days
(apart from the lefties, wokeys, whatever)...
.. you sound more than a bit paranoid there.

c.  How is anyone 'under-represented' any more than anyone else?  We all have the same right to vote, etc, so you are speaking fallacies.  I, for one, want rid of both major party groups and their hangers-on parties... where's my special representation?  I'm a Minority AND a Majority of One.

d.  Then there's the way a good lot of you talk about others you assume are somehow 'in the majority'* on here.  Generalisations like 'Old White Men'
(how DARE you???!!!)
; who 'get their wisdom from Sky channel'
(inferring they have no mind of their own and even watch that garbage)
, and who are all, without evidence, proven despots, haters and destroyers of everything
(in your eyes only, you 'Wokies' - sounds like a James Bond film, Miss FunnyMoneh...)

*You hate our system of democracy? You can always leave, you know....

Anti-violence protestors leading by example:-

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« Last Edit: May 26th, 2021 at 7:54am by Grappler Deep State Feller »  

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #20 - May 26th, 2021 at 7:15pm
There is no need to manufacture something that already exists naturally.

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Do we need to be always politically correct.
In the world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #21 - May 26th, 2021 at 7:15pm
There is no need to produce manufacture that already exists naturally.

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Do we need to be always politically correct.
In the world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #22 - May 26th, 2021 at 7:16pm
There is no need to manifecture something that already exists naturally.
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Do we need to be always politically correct.
In the world of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #23 - May 26th, 2021 at 8:04pm
Cant find racists, just manufacture them

Seems like a small piece that nobody ever heard about that you want to beat into something real ?
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #24 - May 26th, 2021 at 8:07pm
How best to manufacture a racist?

Let your parents have sex.

It worked before.
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Captain Caveman
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #25 - May 26th, 2021 at 9:31pm
Those that scream racist....are racist. 👍
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #26 - May 26th, 2021 at 9:31pm
The real problem is lefties and ethnics assuming that a whitie just walking down the street, is racist
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Captain Caveman
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #27 - May 26th, 2021 at 9:43pm
And most of the shyte carried out against the abo's was done by rich british settlers, the equivalent of today's public servants or big company directors etc.

It wasn't your average Irish Joe just trying to keep alive.
The irish were very close and had a lot in common with the abo's.....but that will never fit the agenda so it's all just lumped in as "whites" did it.
If only the brainwashed dolts could actually see their hypocracy.
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #28 - May 26th, 2021 at 10:06pm
athos wrote on May 26th, 2021 at 7:16pm:
There is no need to manifecture something that already exists naturally.
Pick out any of his claims and I will tear them into pieces, zero resemblance to everyday Australians and Australian life. The guy is a dolt and does not understand the difference between culture and race. Black people love living in Australia, thats why they are queuing up to come here , they arent welcome in China which is one of the most racist countries in the world.
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Re: Cant find racists, just manufacture them
Reply #29 - May 27th, 2021 at 8:11am
Yeah, Yeah....Im a darkie, minority, cult of I'm persecuted.

Boo Hoo .....woe is meeeeeeeeee.

Im sick to death of the winging morons looking for a voice and finding it in the brain dead WOKE movement.

You will find, if they got off their arses and actually contributed to the world
Rather than continually complaining and demanding far far more than they contribute.

The world might just be a better place for them and us.

Look at it clearly,      

If they weren't on about it all the smacking time, no one would even know what racism was.

Australia is the most racially tolerant nation on earth.
I have seen TRUE racism in many countries, I can tell you that Australia isn't even on the board.

All these lazy, incoherent and vocal morons need to get out and see what racism is.

Better still, have a close look at what they consider racism.
Is it truely racism?
or is it simply pointing out the fact that some cultures are just bringing barbaric and unwelcome ideas into our civilization?

Perhaps parasites who do nothing all day and demand more rights than others need to re-evaluate what is really being said.
Is it that they are abbo?
Or is it just that the majority are simply lazy, noisy parasites?

Is it that they are muzzos?
Or is it that they are criminally predisposed, violent and barbaric noise makers?

I am labelled racist by many on this forum.
Yet, at my wedding there were 17 nationalities present, including an Aboriginal bridesmaid.
All were close friends and family.

I have many friends overseas in many countries.
Some black, some white, some yellow, as they say, their nationality bothers me not.

I have family who are of several nationalities, all of who I love and cherish.

But because I point out the failings in a particular culture or cult, I am labelled a racist.

Again, I put this to all those WOKE.
Get out into the world, see what actually goes on in other countries, not in the tourist regions, but in the real world.

Then come back and tell me how racist Australia is ........IF YOU DARE.
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