Frank wrote on May 27
th, 2021 at 10:41am:
Australia started to import large numbers of non-white immigrants in the 80s.
Now, 40 years on, the prevailing sentiment among a lot of them is that Australia is 'racist'. The Chinese, Indians, Africans, Arabs - the only thing THEY have in common is calling Australia, in broken, accdnted English, 'racist'. The ABC, universities, government bureaucracies and NGOs are eager to join them.
I find it insolent.
I find it very deceiving and hypocritially arrogant.
Racism in Australia is not about whites towards non-whites but Anglo-Saxons towards others. The Anglo-Saxons consider themselves superior to other continental Europeans and mention them as whites only when they want to blame them for the Anglo genocide against Aborigines.
As a result of that if someone literally yesterday came from Britain he has a better chance of being accepted as an Australian than person who was born and raised in Australia but whose parents are not of Anglo-Saxon descent.
To emphasize their privileged position and underestimate others, the Anglo-Saxons do not hesitate to use racist names in their daily lives for the non-Anglo-Saxon population, such as wogs, abbos, lebos, slopes, etc. On the other hand, they use expressions to show their superiority like True Blue Aussies, Real Aussies and so on.
In all major Australian cites like Melbourne and Sydney population with Anglo-Saxon origin is well below 50% in comparison with others.
Despite all this, thanks to the colonial status and a racist discriminatory policy, the privileged Anglo-Saxon population is represented by more than 95% in the police force, over 97% in the executive government institutions and over 90% in the military.
Although most of the non-Anglo Anglo population in Australia works hard and study, the corrupt Anglo elite has concentrated on the civil service and government, enjoying all the privileges at the expense of taxpayers' money.
Bollocks. On stilts.
The premier of NSW is Armenian, her Deputy Italian, as is the head of the Federal Immigration Department. QLD premier is Polish. Deputy Premier of Victoria, Italian.
Shadow Foreign Minister, Chinese. Federal Opposition leader, Italian. Immediate past ambassador to the US, Lebanese. Current one, Greek.