Will Victoria's coronavirus lockdown be only seven days?
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-05-28/victorian-covid-lockdown-could-it-last-lo... Quote:As Victorians wake up to lockdown deja vu, the question on people's minds is will it drag on longer than seven days?
Authorities have described it as a seven-day "circuit breaker" lockdown, and certain thresholds will need to be met before it can lift.
But at this stage, what's required to end it hasn't been spelled out.
"deja vu" is putting it mildly. I wouldn't be surprised if we see riots in the streets of Melbourne very soon, especially from small business owners and their employees who suffer so much during these lockdowns.
As I've said before, I'd like to see small business owners (and others affected by these never ending lockdowns) start filing class action lawsuits against the Federal and State governments then we might see how quickly they sort out this ongoing hotel quarantine fiasco (in all States).
How long do we think it will last? Quote:Victoria's Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton said it was hard to say.
"Seven days is like a billion years, it's really tricky to look ahead that far," he said.
Anyone care to take a stab at what this particular piece of gobbledygook actually means?