Dnarever wrote on Jun 5
th, 2021 at 3:15pm:
Sophia wrote on Jun 5
th, 2021 at 3:02pm:
Dnarever wrote on Jun 5
th, 2021 at 10:47am:
Carl D wrote on Jun 4
th, 2021 at 11:15pm:
Meanwhile... while all of these police officers are busy enforcing Covid rules... home burglaries and car thefts, etc. will no doubt be on the increase at least until the end of Victoria's latest lockdown.
You think that highway patrol investigate burglary?
It’s not just highway patrol …. As one of the pollies said on tv news a couple days ago… RE: reluctance doing the ring of steel…”it uses up too many of our resources”…. And we all saw last ring of steel during lockdown…. Was many police officers, PLUS the ADF.
I do believe what is being set up is police vehicles at certain points, with number plate recognition contraption of some sort, to catch and fine anyone going over the 10km lockdown travel restriction limit….. ka-ching!
So burglars and car thieves are not going to be driving ? Out on the roads largely by them selves with a high police presence checking everyone ?
I would think no worse time to be travelling in a stolen car or carrying stolen goods ? For sure. I was just pointing out it’s not about highway patrol that we’re doing the ring of steel.
I forgot to mention, he said a lot of booze buses will be set up also, to check on many motorists.
I see what Bobby meant, if all our police are at road junctions to stop or check legit traffic going interstate, it could be more tempting for burglary opportunity and not getting caught …whilst most police are away and pre-occupied.
So between the number plate detection cameras, and booze buses pulling you over to check in place instead, it should be a good deterrent, especially with more people being stuck at home. But people are still going out in the droves to supermarkets and cake shops, take away food places, walks, and medical appointments.
I went for a medical appointment and the roads were still chokkas with traffic!
And finding a car park at super market car parking is a pain more during lockdown than at any other time!