Gold Member

Australian Politics
Posts: 16142
Central Coast
I see all the bludgers get on the bandwagon.
I wonder how many of you are actually parasites living off my hard earned taxes?
For the idiot who keep their eyes closed. I have family, on both sides, Who claim aboriginality.
So I do have insight into the actual facts. My brother in law was "assisted" through his degrees "fully funded" and with a generous book allowance. His car and home were "assisted" with a grubberment loan, far less than we would have to pay.
My sister in law also was "assisted" through her studies and also with generous book allowances. She visits an aboriginal clinic and everything she has need of is fully funded, no insurance necessary and no waiting. With 5 kids to 3 different fathers, she lives in a "very cheap" 4 bedroom home and is given a "very generous" Car loan, partially paid by the grubberment. She gets not only the single mothers pension, she also gets an additional allowance for each child. Child care is "free" (at a special Aboriginal only child care facility) and readily available, with "free" meals and "free" excursions. The two kids at school get an additional "incentive" allowance to go to school, with uniforms and any excursions fully funded.
She is really doing it tough, getting nearly twice plus what any other single mother gets.
My friend at centafink, also tells me that"unofficially" Abbos get first service when any accommodation or emergency housing is required. You and I would have to go on a waiting list, abbos get the first one available.....because they are so disadvantaged.
Then there is the "free" emergency handout of cash when strapped (carefully disguised as other things). No problem, how much do you need....a regular occurrence I'm told.
Then there are the nice little abbo "cultural centres" where they get a nice "free" building to train abbos to be ....whatever.
You know this is fact. But lets just have a little look at the $32,000,000,000.00 handed to the terminally lazy mob every year to help GET THEM ON THEIR FEET.
Not working much,,,,,eh?
And then there are the Aboriginal friends I have. A couple refuse to participate in the free for all, being fully qualified engineers and tradesmen. But some do take advantage of the cheap loans available as well as some of the other benefits.
These are not you white city, lazy, parasitical abbos. These are true, full blood or nearly full blood, Aboriginals.
Ask them how they feel about the white, parasitical, city , lazy abbos.......they are very vocal about them.
You call me racist. Is it not racist to give more to one culture or race than another based on race?????
All I would like is that everyone get exactly the same consideration as each other. Regardless of culture or that racist????