Agnes wrote on May 29
th, 2021 at 1:56pm:
I love the way they all get a punching bag and then close in- how does it feel ?what did you do valkie?
They are simply cowards who hide behind their keyboards.
Most probably socks from the same inept and asinine moron.
Big horned animal with little penis has been having a go at me for years.
Its easy to ignore him, if you met him in public, he is the little guy who cowers behind everyone else and is the first to run.
His idea of a quiet night is hiding under the bed in his parents room.
If, and I seriously doubt, but if he is a grown (pseudo) man.
He is the public servant who cowers to his female boss and pisses his pants if someone speaks to him in harsh words.
As for laughable.
Well, it speaks for itself.
Low self esteem, self hate, an obvious loser in life.
His girlfriend is taken out of the cupboard every night, blown up and they enjoy a quiet evening together.
If either of them had a life, they would realize that some of us have actually been places, done things and been more than a pathetic little losers such as they.
They fear and are jealous of us who are their superior in every way
I have done more, been more and even now, am more capable that the two of them put together.